Chapter 4

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Molly's POV

"Molly?" Calum calls, closing the door behind him. He rushes over to my hospital bed, "Did you hear anything yet? Did the tests come back?"

I shake my head no, "They said anytime ten minutes ago and nothing. What if it's something bad?" I feel more tears gathering in my eyes. He kisses my head and climbs onto the hospital bed beside me, wrapping his arms around my body. One hand holds mine while the other gently rubs my bump.

"Whatever happens, happens, Molly," Calum whispers, kissing my head. He lets go of my hand and runs his through my hair, trying to calm me down a little. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I'm not mad at you at all." He kisses my head again. I lean against his chest, just wanting this waiting to be over. Almost like she read my mind, the doctor walks in a few moments later. Calum and I both sit up a little straighter. I feel his hand shaking slightly as he grabs mine, squeezing it tightly.

"I'm Dr. Palmer," she says, holding her hand out for Calum. He shakes it then goes back to gripping mine. "You're lucky to have the accelerated healing, Molly. Your body is stronger than the average person's. That is one of the two possible things that saved your baby."

"It's fine?" I demand, "Are you sure?" She nods, a smile on her face. I let out the breath I've been holding in, my shoulders relaxing.

"What's the other possible thing?" Calum speaks up, making me perk up again.

Dr. Palmer shrugs, "Since Molly is superhuman, there's a good chance the baby is too. She might even share some of the same powers as Molly, which could explain how she's okay even after the explosion, fall, and cut."

"She?" I double check. Dr. Palmer nods. Calum squeezes my hand.

She continues, "We're running a few last tests for your vitals to make sure everything is healing the way it should be for you. A nurse should be in in about five minutes to clear you, assuming everything turns up alright. After that, you're free to go home. And thank you for all you've done for us." She gives me a smile, then leaves, closing the door behind her again.

"She," Calum says softly, a smile growing on his lips as he twirls my hair around his fingers, "A super baby. Wow."

"Does that scare you?" I question, looking up at his face. I watch his eyes.

"Nah," he claims, "No more than the thought of a baby does anyway." I can see that he's lying. I don't push though. I don't want to fight or anything. "Everyone came by the way."

"What?" I demand, frowning. "Why'd they leave the party?"

"Because they were worried about you, stupid," he laughs, making me grin slightly, "Luke just about flipped his shit during the car ride over here. He wants to talk to you alone."

"Great," I sigh, picking at the tape holding my IV down, "Something to look forward to. I don't think I'm gonna spend the night anymore, Calum. I kinda just want to go home and snuggle Petunia. But I'll spend tomorrow night." Calum nods again, still holding onto me tightly as we sit in the quiet hospital room.

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