Chapter 41

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Molly's POV

"There's my sweet girl," I coo softly as Luke passes Zara back over to me. She whimpers softly, her eyes still closed. I rock her back and forth slowly, making her quiet down and drift back to sleep.

"You should talk to Calum about the whole Inferno thing. He's been worried about you this past week."

"Yeah," I agree, readjusting Zara so she's lying on my chest, "I know he's been worried. He hasn't said anything though. I think he's scared of maybe upsetting me. But you're right."

"You're conceding way too easy," Luke notes, clearly a little weirded out by my  willingness to just agree with him without a fight, "What's going on?"

I bite back a smile, playing with the engagement ring on my finger, "I'm just, in a good mood."

"Cause of Inferno finally being dead?"

I nod, the guilt from lying creeping up again, "Partially. Hey, you know how a couple months ago, we were trying to figure out who was gonna get engaged next, and we both bet on you and Sierra?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We were wrong." Luke's eyes drift down to my ring finger before growing wide. I laugh loudly as he stares in shock.

"What? When?" He grabs my hand, closely inspecting the ring.

"He asked me when we went out to dinner the other night. And before you get upset about me or him not telling you, no one knows. Calum and I were planning on telling people at that dinner in a couple days after mum, dad, and the boys get here."

"So I'm the only one that knows? Just like with Zara's name?"


"Why do you and Calum like putting my life in danger? Sierra nearly killed me when she found out I didn't tell her Zara's name."

I giggle, "Sorry Luke. I could always just not tell you and let you be surprised-"

"No, no," he scolds, "Keep telling me. I just need to be a little dramatic every once in a while." I snort but nod in agreement. We fall into a comfortable silence, just sitting together on the couch, watching Zara sleep.

"So you're really doing all of those big milestones all at once, aren't you? Just getting them out of the way all together?"


"You know, having a baby, getting engaged, moving in with your boyfriend." I glance up at him and see the sad smile on my brother's face as he stares at his lap.

I nod slowly, "I guess so. I me-"

"What am I supposed to do without you constantly around to annoy me?" Luke cuts in, looking up at me now. I nearly start to cry at his words. I can't though. Then he'd know.

"Live in peace with Sierra?" I suggest, my voice cracking as I try to lighten the mood. He gives me a look. "I think that you think that just because I'm not living in this house with you anymore, you're never gonna see me, which is complete and utter bullshit. I will one hundred percent be over here every Sunday and Monday night to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians and The Bachelor with you. And Lord knows I'm gonna be over here bitching about all the annoying boy things Calum does, like leaving his tee shirts all over the fucking house because dear God that man does not understand the purpose of a closet. Not to mention when I have to come over and help your hopeless ass because you want to do something romantic for Sierra and told her you have a plan, but don't actually have a clue as to what to do because you never seem to fucking learn that lesson. Luke, if I'm honest, you're probably gonna see me more after I move out than before I do."

"I hope so," he smiles at me.

I roll my eyes, a smile also prominent on my face, "And to make you feel a little less lonely, I'll even leave Petunia here with you."

"Petunia was never gonna go with you," Luke tells me, "She's my dog."

"Yeah, okay," I agree, "I'm just the one who takes care of her all of the time."

"No you don't!"

"Well I certainly don't see you teleporting back here to take care of her when Sierra's on tour."

He makes a face at me, "I can't fucking teleport asshole. I-"

"Shhh," I cut in, "You're gonna wake the baby."

"You're only saying that because you know I'm right, Molly." I flip him off as I stand up and carry Zara up to her crib in my room.

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