Chapter 45

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Calum's POV

"Felix?" I start, kind of surprised to see him standing outside, "What's up? I thought you and Molly were-" He thrusts his hand out to me. I look down and see Molly's engagement ring lying in his palm. My heart sinks as a feeling of dread washes over me. "Felix-"

"I'm sorry," he cuts in, his voice breaking, "There was an explosion."

"No," I mumble, numb, "She's fine, right? Molly's fine."

He shakes his head no, still holding the ring out to me, "She tried to save a hostage, so she didn't make it out in time. The explosion got her pretty bad. Her body- it's not recognizable. We were able to recover this. I figured you should have it." I just stand there, unsure of what to even do or say. "Calum, I'm so, so sorry. She shouldn't have even been out." I start to cry, sinking down to the ground.

"Felix? What's wrong with Cal- No." Luke realizes the horrible truth. I know he's standing behind me, but I don't bother looking up at him.

"There was an explosion," Felix repeats for Luke. I scramble to my feet, storming back inside the house.

"Ca-" I run past all of the others, stomping up the stairs. My chest aches, suddenly feeling empty. I make it up into Molly's room and beside Zara's crib before I drop to the ground again, just leaning against Zara's crib as I sob.

Molly's POV

"How'd it go?" I ask softly, staring down at the passing cars.

"Calum and Luke both took it really hard. By the time I left, everyone was crying," Felix answers, leaning against the ledge beside me. "Are you sure about this Molly? Is Inferno really not dead? I shot him with Mercury."

"No," I admit, my throat burning, "But it's too late now. You already told them I'm dead. The world already thinks I'm dead."

"We can still change it, Molly," he argues, his voice cracking, "Just lie and say that we found the wrong body. Your ring could've been blown off in the explosion, and we found it."

"Felix," I start, closing my eyes, "I have to do this. Inferno is still out there. He's coming for Zara. You and I both saw that notebook. He wants my daughter. He wants to raise her as a villain to fight me. I can't put her or Calum or Luke or any of the others in danger anymore. I can't let them keep getting hurt because of me. I can't let anything happen to Zara. I won't let anything happen to her."

My best friend sighs, "I get it Molly, but you're giving up everything here. Are you really sure that this is what you want?"

"I don't want this," I assure him, "at all. I want Calum and Zara and my family. I want to get married and raise a family with him. But I have to keep them safe. I-" Felix just pulls me into his arms, holding me tightly as I try to calm myself down.

The End

Well it's not really the end. There's another book coming. It's called Zero and is gonna be out soon so be on the lookout for that. 😁

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