Chapter 12

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Molly's POV

"Fuck Molly," Calum mumbles against my lips as he grips my ass tighter. I groan, wrapping my legs around his waist. He kisses me harder, his hands slipping under my shirt. He begins pulling up on the hem of my tee shirt. Before it gets over my head, Duke is barking from the floor. I pull away from Calum, laughing softly.

My boyfriend groans, glancing down at his dog, "You're fucking killing me, Duke." He barks again, wanting to get up on the bed.

"I've got him," I say, climbing off of Calum's lap. I reach down and grab the small dog, pulling him up onto the bed. He pants happily as he lays down on top of me, resting his head on my bump. Calum reaches over and scratches behind his ears.

"How's Luke feeling? Any better or is he still blaming himself for falling for Inferno's trap?" Calum breaks the silence.

I rest my head on his shoulder, "He's still a little guilty, I think, but that's only because Sierra told him I wasn't fighting the imposter at first because it looked like him." He nods, sending us into yet another semi-awkward silence.

"Is it too early to talk baby names?" I speak up, glancing up at his face.

Calum shrugs, his eyes focused on the comforter, "I don't know. Why? Do you have something in mind?"

"No," I answer, "not necessarily. It's just, there's still so much baby stuff we haven't talked about, you know?"

"You're only five months pregnant," my boyfriend reminds me, clearly getting more and more disinterested in this conversation, "It's not like you're giving birth in a week or anything, Molly."

"That we know of. But the doctor did say that super babies might not develop on the same timeline as normal babies and that the rest of my pregnancy could be done within a month or two for all we know," I point out, squeezing his hand.

Calum sighs deeply, "Yeah, I got it. Maybe another time, okay Molly? I'm just really tired right now." Before I can answer, he's pulling his hand away from mine and turning on his side, leaving me facing his back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before getting up.

"I need to go. I forgot I was supposed to go to a meeting with Felix and Owens," I lie, my throat burning.

He nods, still not looking at me, "Have fun babe. Be careful."


"It's so awful, Felix," I choke out, "He just keeps shutting me out. I don't know what to say or do to help ease his mind. I don't know what's really wrong because he won't talk to me."

"Just give him a few days, Molly," Felix advises, sipping his milkshake, "I mean, I'm not okay with how he's acting and treating you at all, but I can sympathize. Finding out that you fathered what might be the world's first super powered baby has got to be intimidating. Especially given the circumstances. No one knows anything about super babies. Having a, and don't yell at me for this, 'normal' kid has got to be hard enough. Just give him a minute to adjust."

I nod, my shoulders relaxing slightly, "Any new leads on him?"

"Maybe. Our tip line has been flooded with people claiming that they know someone who started acting completely unlike themselves recently."

"Attention seekers, extreme paranoia, or actual leads?" I giggle, knowing how much Felix usually despises the tip line.

He shrugs, an amused smile on his lips, "Who's to say? Wanna help us comb through them all?"

"Sounds exhilarating." We both finish up our milkshakes before heading out to Felix's police cruiser to go to the station.

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