Chapter 26

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Molly's POV

"He basically said he can't deal with the baby having powers," I say as I shove another bite of ice cream in my mouth, "He said he already has to deal with me having powers, and that he's tired of always being second to my powers."

"That doesn't even sound like Calum," Sierra sighs, running her fingers through my hair, "Isn't this kind of out of left field?"

I shrug, "I knew he was nervous about her maybe having powers. I just didn't think he'd break up with me over it." I sniffle, staring into the ice cream container, "I don't want to do this alone."

"You've still got us, Molls," Luke reminds me, "Are you sure that it was Calum though and not Inferno?"

"I asked him a question, and he got it right. I don't know how Inferno would've ever known that. I'm just gonna go cry and sleep. Night guys. And thanks for being here," I say softly. Sierra squeezes me one last time before I head upstairs to my room with Petunia at my feet.

Luke's POV

"Who are you texting?" Sierra asks me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Calum," I answer, my eyes scanning the new text he just sent, "I asked him if we could talk. He said sure and sent the address of some bar. I'm gonna go see if I can figure out what's wrong with him and maybe calm him down a little."

"I'm coming with you," Sierra declares, climbing off of the couch, "You be good cop, I'll be bad cop." I laugh and shrug.


"Do you see a bar?" Sierra whispers, holding my hand tightly as we walk down the sidewalk.

"No. But I think that's Calum up ahead." Sure enough, he's leaning against a brick wall, his hands in his pockets. He glances over and sees us.

"About time," he mutters, "I was starting to think you wouldn't show up."

"Why'd you break up with Molly? You realize you're an asshole for that, right?" Sierra snaps, letting go of my hand. Her arms cross over her chest as she glares at him.

Calum sighs deeply, "I don't know. I guess I was just a little freaked out by the powers and panicked."

"You really hurt her, Cal," I tell him, "She won't admit it, but you broke her heart."

"I'm gonna try to talk to her," he promises, "I just need to figure out what I'm gonna say. Can you guys help? I've never been much for expressing feelings. I can give you guys a ride back to your car too." I glance over at Sierra, who shrugs. His shoulders relax. The three of us climb into his car. Sierra and I get in the backseat. He starts the engine and pulls out of the space. Almost immediately the doors lock. He speeds up. My stomach starts to turn nervously. Sierra grips my hand again.

"Calum?" Sierra demands, "What are you doing?"

"Shut the fuck up," he snaps. I see fire dancing along his arms.

Oh fuck.

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