Chapter 32

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Molly's POV

"There they are," I breathe out, shocked at the sight ahead of me. The four 5SOS boys, Crystal, Sierra, and KayKay are all chained up in that room, right on the other side of that door. My stomach burns with anger as I look at the pained expressions on their faces. Inferno is gonna pay for this.

"We can just rescue them, Molly," he whispers back, "We can rescue them and call for backup."

"He'll know. It has to be this way Felix."

"What if you come in here, and they see you die? It'll break them, even if it is fake. Can I tell them what's going on?"

"They won't react the same if they know the truth. If this doesn't go right, make sure they know I love them, okay? And tell Calum I'm not mad at him. Not even a little."

Felix chokes on a sob as he pulls me into his arms, "You're not dying Molly. Stop talking like that. Now go kick some ass."

I nod, squeezing him tightly, "I'm gonna double back to the entrance so it looks like I just got here. And Felix-"


"Thanks for being my best friend." He sobs against my shoulder, his face pressed against my neck as we hold each other. We break apart a moment later. "I'll do my best to not die." He rolls his eyes, but nods, a pained smile on his lips. I turn and super speed back to the front of the building, my heart aching as it finally dawns on me that I probably won't survive this.

Felix's POV

I watch helplessly as Molly takes off running, leaving me standing there all alone. I swallow hard and turn, going into the room where the 5SOS boys and the three girls are chained up in. As soon as the door opens, their heads are turning to face me. They stare at me, clearly unsure if I'm actually me or not.

"Felix?" KayKay finally chokes out, her head tilting slightly left, "Is it really you or-"

"It's Inferno," Calum cuts in, staring at the ground again, "It's always Inferno."

"No," I deny, carefully closing the door behind me, "I'm really Felix. I swear. Molly and I-" I stop myself. I can't tell them.

"You and Molly what?" Ashton challenges, obviously not believing me.

I sigh, "We have a plan. Look, I have Mercury with me." They still eye me with suspicion. I try again. "Michael has a tracker on his shirt that Molly put on him."

Michael relaxes, his face filling with relief, "It's really Felix." The other six all visibly relax as well.

"What's the plan?" Crystal's eyes are brighter now.

"I can't say." Something clatters outside. I jump and rush to the corner of the room, ducking down behind a desk. "Just know that not everything is what it looks like." Before any of them can question me on that, the door is flying open, and Molly skids in.

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