Chapter 9

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Molly's POV

"Luke!" I cry out for the millionth time tonight, my voice cracking. I've been walking around for hours, carefully searching everywhere for my older brother. I was so confident that Inferno was only bluffing about him being dead. Now I'm terrified he was actually telling the truth. Tears gather in my eyes at the thought of not having my older brother anymore.

"Luke!" I scream, my throat raw, "Luke Robert Hemmings where the fuck are you?" I wipe my tears through the eye holes of my mask as I move down yet another alley. My eyes go wide as I see a familiar pair of starry boots poking out from behind a row of dumpsters. I run over, my heart racing.

It's Luke.

He looks awful. His eyes are swollen shut, his lip is busted, and his body is covered in bruises and cuts. His shirt is ripped and has blood stains all over it. The worst thing, though, is how shallow his breathing is.

"Luke," I say, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Luke, come on. It's me. You need to get up." I shake his shoulder, trying to wake him, but his limp body doesn't move. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, placing my hand on his chest. I feel my blue energy flow from my palm and onto Luke's body as I try to heal him. This has to work. It has to. I focus harder.

After a few minutes, a pained groan leaves his lips before he starts coughing loudly. I feel him move. My eyes fly open to see my older brother staring at me confused.

"Molls?" Luke mumbles, "What the hell is- Where am I? Why does everything hurt?" I hug him tightly, pressing my face into his shoulder. He winces, making me pull away almost immediately.

"It's a long story," I choke out, pulling off my mask. I wipe my eyes and help him stand, "I'll tell you when we get home, okay?" Luke nods, slinging an arm around my shoulder as I help him hobble home.


"Oh my God," Sierra gasps, rushing into Luke's arms as soon as she sees him. She holds him tightly, sobbing softly. I see all of the others visibly relax as well. I sigh and move over to the couch, sitting on Calum's lap. He holds me tightly, his hands rubbing my bump.

"What the fuck happened?" Luke demands, holding his girlfriend tightly, "Was I missing that long?"

"You fucking died, mate," Ashton says softly, holding KayKay.

"What?" He sits on the couch. Sierra sits on the arm of the couch beside him.

"Has anyone left?" I cut in, staring at the group.

"No," Michael assures me, "We've all been here ever since you left." The others nod in agreement.

I nod, "Inferno paid us a visit earlier, Luke. He can shape shift and changed his appearance, so he looked like you. He wanted to spy on us or kill us. We don't know which."

"It was the fucking weirdest shit, Luke," Calum comments, "He looked just like you. Me and Ash noticed the accent was a bit weird, but didn't think much of it. Next thing we know, Molly is glowing blue and lunging at you, but it wasn't you." I lean back, resting against Calum's chest.

Luke winces, "I don't even know what happened to me. I was just down the street when Felix ran up to me saying Molly was hurt. I went with him, and next thing I know, Molly is waking me up in an alley on the other side of town." Sierra kisses the top of his head, running her fingers through his tangled hair. I climb off of Calum's lap and silently make my way outside on to the patio.

Zero HourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora