Chapter 44

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Molly's POV

"It's so pretty," Sierra coos, staring at my ring. I grin and kiss Zara's head, watching as Calum as he starts laughing loudly at something one of the boys said.

"Calum has good taste," KayKay agrees, nodding in appreciation.

"Michael helped him," I inform the girls, Crystal nods in agreement, "Calum, and I say this with nothing but love for him, is kind of very hopeless when it comes to this stuff. But then again, I'm not really one to talk."

"Ar-" My phone starts to beep, stealing my attention from Sierra. I pull it out of my back pocket, glancing down at the text from Felix. I force a grin to spread across my face as I read it. It's time.

Police have a big drug bust, wanna come?
I know you're on maternity leave or whatever but I know you've gotta be itching for some action.
There will inevitably be danger. They never go easy

Fuck yeah! Send me the address.
I'll race you there
Bet I'll win

Ha ha not if I don't send it until I'm there shitface

"Molly?" KayKay calls, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I reply, shoving my phone back into my pocket, "I've got to go. Felix has a big drug bust for me. Who wants Zara?" Crystal reaches for her before the other girls even have a chance to speak. I pass my infant to the blonde girl then kiss her head, my throat burning as I realize it's gonna be the last time I ever see her.

"Aren't you on maternity leave?" Sierra inquires, laughing as I practically bounce up and down, trying to seem excited about this bust.

"Yep. Bye." I super speed upstairs to get changed into my newly modified Psyche outfit. Once I'm dressed, I run back downstairs to say goodbye to Calum. I skid to a stop in the kitchen beside him surprising all of the boys and mum, who are gathered around.

"Molly what are yo-"

"Drug bust, gotta go," I blurt out, "Felix and I are racing." I grab Calum's face and kiss him. "Bye baby. I'll see you later. Zara's got a bottle premade in the fridge. Bye!" I take off running again, forcing a smile on my face as I race down the street.

Calum's POV

"She just refuses to take a break, huh?" Liz sighs, watching the empty space where Molly just ran through,"Even after having a baby."

"Give it up, mum," Luke scolds, "It's what makes her happy. She's a great mum to Zara regardless of whether she takes the full extent of her maternity leave or not."

"I'm just saying-"

"You're gonna push her away again, Liz," Andy warns, "Just be happy for Molly. And Calum." I smile politely at the mention of my name, kind of surprised of how fast both Luke and his dad jumped to Molly's defense.

"Hey Calum?" Crystal calls, tapping my shoulder. I turn and see Zara in her arms, her face scrunched up as she stares up at me. My face lights up as Crystal passes me my tiny daughter.

"You're willingly handing over the baby? What's wrong?"

"She needs a diaper change," Crystal informs me, making faces at Zara, "I love her, but I don't want to change her."

I nod, "Got it. I'll be back in a few minutes." I turn and carry Zara upstairs to Molly's room to change her.

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