Chapter 30

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Molly's POV

"Finger print now," I demand, reaching for Felix's arm.

"Excuse me what?" Felix asks, pulling his arm away.

"I need to make sure you're Felix and not Inferno." I grab his hand and press his thumb against the ink pad before pushing it against the blank paper. I compare it to the finger print in Felix's police record. It matches. Perfect.

"How is that effective? Shouldn't the finger prints change to whoever he's shifted into?"

"You'd think, but nope. He was disguised as Ashton earlier and touched a glass at my house. I lifted the prints and looked at them against Ryans' prints. Perfect match-"

"He was out your house earlier? Are you okay?"

I wave him off, "Yeah, I'm fine. He was there to get Michael-"

"Did he get him?" Felix's eyes are panicked.

I sigh, "If you'd just let me finish." He glares. "Yeah, he got Michael but because we wanted him to. I put a tracker on Michael and know where they are now. And I have a plan to get them."

"Show me your powers, Molly," Felix instructs, "Right now. Prove that you're you." I roll my eyes but will my blue energy to flow up and down my arms for a moment. Felix nods, satisfied, "What's your undoubtedly stupid plan that will almost get us killed?" I laugh as we walk out of the backroom and move towards the exit to his car.

"You know how I told you guys that I don't teleport because it makes me sick and dizzy and shit?" He nods. "So that was a lie-"

"What?" He whips his head over to face me as we climb into his car.

"Shut up and listen, Felix. I'm about to blow your mind."

"Jesus Christ. So your powers don't make you sick at all?" He pulls into traffic.

I hesitate, "Not exactly. It is one of my powers that makes me sick, just not the teleporting. It's one that you guys don't know about. I've actually died one more time than you all realize."

"What the fuck?" He slams on the breaks, making cars behind him honk.

"Fucking drive, Felix!" I screech, "You're gonna fucking get us killed!"

"Explain now. What this power is, when you died, and how none of us know about it."

"About a year ago when I was trapped in that warehouse with the human smugglers," I start, my stomach turning nervously as I start the story.

"That was televised. We would've see you die. The guy shot at you, and it was really close, but you stopped the bullet. You turned around in time to realize it and activated your blue energy."

"You did see me die. I just made it, so you didn't. No one did. I didn't turn around in time, and he shot me in the back of the head."

"Come again?"

"Well, I got shot and died. When I woke up again, I kicked the shit out of those guys and blah blah blah. While I was waiting for you guys to finish arresting the smugglers, I was thinking to myself that I really wished Luke and the others didn't see me die. I just know how much it takes it out of them everytime I die. It's the worst, Felix. Then I realized that even if they didn't see it, someone would tell them, or they'd see it some how. So I wished that no one saw it happen."

"When we got over to you, your body was burning up, and you puked and were shaking," my best friend finishes, connecting the dots, "You told us you teleported, but no one saw you. And we congratulated you on dodging that bullet."

"Yeah. So I can make people see what I want them to see or change reality a bit. The only issue is, it just about kills me. I've only ever used it that one time."

"And you're gonna use it on Inferno," he connects, his mouth tight, "You're gonna let him think that he's killed you, and then you'll kill him." His knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel.

"Not exactly," I hesitate, "I need you to kill him, Felix. I have the Mercury. I would do it, but I don't know if I-"

He nods, "Molly, I need you to promise me that you aren't gonna die. You can't die. If it starts getting too hard for you to keep the act up, then stop."

"I'll try my best," I answer simply, being careful to not make any promises, "But just in case, make sure your mum knows where we are, so she can get paramedics there right away. They can save my baby if they act quick enou-"

"Shut the fuck up Molly," Felix snaps, "You're not fucking dying." I nod. The rest of the car ride is silent.

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