Chapter 28

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Molly's POV

"Molly! Molls!" Luke screams, throwing my door open.

I turn over, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, "What? What's wrong?"

"Sierra's gone," he chokes out, his eyes frantic, "I woke up, and she was gone, and she won't answer her phone or anything. What if Inferno got her?"

"Who did I save you from in an alley way back during Tremor times?"

He huffs in annoyance, "Three goons. An older man, a teen girl, and a middle aged woman. But really? My girlfriend is fucking missing, and you wanna play twenty questions? Unbelievable." I bite back a comment.

"I don't think Inferno got her, Luke. I mean, it doesn't make sense that he'd break in and take her but leave us alone."

"Just because Calum broke your heart doesn't mean that you have to try to ruin everyone else's relationships," he snaps, his chin trembling, "I thought you were supposed to help people, but so far, all you've done is put Sierra in danger and refused to look for her when I know something is wrong. I can feel it, Molly. But whatever. I'll find her myself." He starts to walk away, but he stops and turns to face me again, "You know, there are times when I really regret bringing you from Australia." I stare at him in shock, my chest aching again.

"Luke, wait! I'll help. I'm sorry-"

"Fuck off," he snaps, "I don't want your help. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you." I stop, feeling helpless. I listen as he goes back downstairs and leaves the house, slamming the front door behind him. I go back over to my bed, sinking down on my mattress while I sniffle, tears rolling down my cheeks. The house is dead silent, making me feel more and more alone. I just want a hug. I'm trying my fucking best.

My baby kicks, making me sob harder. Stupid Calum. Stupid Luke. Stupid Inferno. Stupid superpowers. I furiously wipe my eyes and text Ash and Mikey to see if they want to hang out. I just don't want to be alone. They both respond with a yes. We agree to meet at my house in twenty minutes.


"I didn't know that you and Calum broke up," Ashton frowns, "I'm sorry, Molly."

I shrug, stabbing my spoon into my partially melted ice cream, "It was only yesterday."

"Why'd he break up with you?" Michael inquires, picking at his own ice cream.

"I don't know. Something about how he always comes second to Psyche stuff. He's been kinda weird around me ever since he found out the baby might have powers, but he's tried to hide it. I think he just finally snapped. He said something about how he couldn't deal with powers anymore. Who the fuck knows anyway? I've got ten thousand others things to worry about. I don't have time to cry over Calum."

"Like what? Inferno?" Ashton asks, raising an eyebrow.

I nod, "Luke came into my room this morning saying that Sierra was missing then flipped out after I said I didn't think she got taken by Inferno."

"He does have a point," Ash continues, "You are supposed to help people." I glance down and see him pull on his left pinkie finger. He gets to his left middle finger before stopping cold. He fidgets, clearly trying to resist the urge to crack his neck. I glance over and see Michael watching as well, his shoulders tense.

"You're right, Ash," I say, sitting up. I grab the empty ice cream bowls, "I'll go look for her now. I guess I was just being selfish this morning."

"Good for you," Ash smiles, his eyes cold, "We'll head out so you can go do your Psyche thing." Michael sends me an anxious glance.

"I need to get changed. Mikey, can you help me tie my boots? I have such a hard time anymore." I nervously laugh and place a hand on my bump. Michael nods. Ashton's smile fades away.

"I guess I can wait," Ash mutters.

"No, it's all good," Michael waves him off, "It's gonna be a while. Molly takes forever to shove herself into those leather pants. Even if they are just leggings now." His frown deepens, but he doesn't protest anymore. Instead he leaves. I lock the door behind him then turn back to face Michael.

"That was him right? Inferno?" I nod, a bad feeling settling in my stomach.

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