Chapter 3

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Molly's POV

"What the fuck?" I mumble as I slide to a stop beside Felix. We both stare up at the prison as it smokes. The building is almost completely charred and crumbling to the ground. Sirens flash around us from ambulances, cop cars, and firetrucks. "What the hell happened here?"

"They're saying it was a gas explosion," Felix tells me, "But they can't find a pipe leak or anything."


He winces, "A few guards and prisoners. Luckily, most of the prison was empty because they're renovating it and moved people. There was about fifteen deaths. But Psyche, there's something weird going on. I need to show you something." I follow as he leads me around to the back of the building, where it's quiet. He squats down by an almost completely deteriorated prison wall and gestures for me. I follow his lead.

"This is where the main explosion was," he starts, "It caused the biggest blast and vaporized this wall. But it wasn't a kitchen or anything that would have a gas line. It was a cell, and this prisoner is currently unaccounted for."

My blood runs cold, "Whose cell?"

Felix swallows hard, "Todd Ryans, the police officer that shot at Shockwave but killed you. Apparently a guard caught him with a book he had scribbled a shit ton of chemical formulas and shit in about a week ago. None of them bothered to check the formulas or anything."

"What are you thinking then?" I inquire, my own suspicions arising.

"I think that he hated you before you got him thrown in jail. He's always been ambitious and had dreams of climbing to the top of the force. He was jealous of you before all of the drama. If I had to bet, I'd say he's spent the last few years in jail studying chemistry, trying to recreate yours and Tremor's power formulas but for himself."

"And he succeeded and blew a fucking hole in the prison," I finish, my stomach turning. I bite my lip, rubbing my baby bump nervously. "We need to get him in custody now."

"I know, Molly. We're working o-"

"No Felix. You don't get it. I-" Flames erupt behind us, throwing Felix and I through the air. I hit the ground, stomach first, and tumble across the parking lot. Shit. I cradle my bump. My lungs burn from smoke and the heat as I try to get up, but fail, coughing violently. I see Felix across from me, also struggling to get back up. He's got a gash on his head, near his left eye. I'm vaguely aware of firefighters running around the side, the hose already spraying water. I squint, trying to see if I can spot a person through the smoke haze. Nothing. Fuck. I glance down and see I've got a cut across my stomach on my right side. Panic fills me. I press my hands against it, trying to stop the bleeding. Someone grabs my arms and helps pull me to my feet. Chief Owens.

"Let me see," she instructs, moving my hands. "This will probably heal within an hour with your accelerated healing."

"No," I choke out, grabbing her arm before she can get over to Felix, "You don't understand. I'm pregnant." Her eyes get wide momentarily before she rushes into action. My arm goes across her shoulders as she helps me over to an ambulance on the front side of the building. EMTs load me on to a gurney without question.

"She's pregnant," Chief Owens tells them. I see Felix, who is now standing outside the ambulance, stare at me in shock. "She's got a stomach wound. She'll heal fine, just make sure the baby is alright. Felix, go with her." He climbs up. The two EMTs close the doors and go around the front, climbing into the ambulance. We start speeding away a moment later. I pull my mask off, letting it fall onto my lap.

"So, uh, pregnant, huh?" He asks awkwardly, "How long?"

"Seventeen weeks," I reply, staring at my lap, "Calum and I haven't told anyone yet. It was an accident in the first place, but we were both so excited. It kicked for the first time earlier when they played the new song for the first time." Tears start to fall down my face. "What if something happened to it because of me? It would be my fault."

"No. No. No," Felix cuts in, taking my hand, "It's fine. This is one tough ass baby. I mean, just look at who its mom is." I sniffle, sending him a grateful look. "Here, give me your phone. I'll call Calum and explain it to him. He can meet us at the hospital." I pass him my phone, unable to express my gratitude for him.

"Will you ask him to bring, Luke?" I add. He nods, still holding my hand as he makes the call.

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