Chapter 5

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Molly's POV

"Is everything okay?" Luke asks me, breaking the silence we've been sitting in for the last ten minutes as we drive home.

"Yeah," I reply, my voice hoarse, "Everything's good."

"That's good." We fall back in silence for about a minute and a half. "So how far along are you? Five months?"

"Seventeen weeks," I correct, "Almost five months." Luke nods and turns right, completely missing the road for going to our neighborhood. He keeps driving, and I soon realize where we're heading.

Twenty silent minutes later, we're here. He turns off the car and glances over to me, "Are you up for a little walk, Molls?" I nod, climbing out of the car. I close my door and scramble after him as we walk up the trail on the side of the mountain.

"Five months," Luke mumbles as we sit on a bench, overlooking the twinkling lights from the city, "I guess I really am oblivious. Did anyone else know?"

"No. Just me and Calum. Are you mad at me, Luke?" My voice is high and squeaky.

He ignores my question, "Do you remember the last time we did this?" I nod. He continues talking, "It was, what? Three years ago? Three and a half?"

"Almost four," I agree, "A few months after Arzaylea cheated on you for the third time, and you broke up with her for good. Finally."

He laughs softly, "It was a long time coming, huh? I guess I should've realized who she really was sooner. But I don't know if I would've met Sierra if I hadn't stayed with her that long. The universe works weird." 

"Why are we up here, Luke?" I inquire, my curiosity getting the best of me.

He bites his lip before continuing, "Those few months after Arzaylea were the worst of my life. You saw how reckless I was with drinking and just life in general. The boys were helping me. Ash was even letting me spend nights at his place when he knew you were gonna be out and not able to watch me. I knew I was going down a bad road, but I don't think it really hit me, and I actually started to get better until you dragged me up here and promised me that you'd always be there for me and help me with whatever I need." Luke gets choked up, "So now I'm gonna do the same for you, Molly. Whatever the fuck you need, just name it, and I will do everything in my power to get it for you or be there for you. I just don't want you to ever feel like you can't tell me stuff." I grab onto Luke's shirt, hugging him tightly. He holds my body, rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I just didn't know how-"

"It's fine," he assures me, "I promise, Molly. It's okay. I'm not mad or upset or anything."

"It's a girl," I whisper, still holding onto him, "And I think Calum's actually freaking out now. But he won't talk to me about it because he doesn't want to upset me or wants to seem cool or some stupid shit."

"Because it's a girl?"

"Because it might have powers like me," I correct, my voice soft, "It's scaring him, and I know it. He's overwhelmed. I just don't want him to try to hide it only to snap one day."

"He'll be fine," Luke promises, "Calum just needs a minute to adjust." I nod, yawning. He notices, "Let's head home, Molls. It's been a long ass day."

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