Chapter 13

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Molly's POV

"Oh my fucking God," Crystal coos, grabbing a onesie set with puppies on the fronts. I smile weakly, leaning against the cart as we wander through the store.

"Yes or no, Molly?" KayKay questions, nodding towards Crystal.

I shrug, "It's cute." The three girls frown at me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, "I'm sorry. It's really cute. I like it a lot. I promise."

"What's up? I thought you were excited for baby shopping?" Sierra inquires, frowning.

"I was. I am. I don't know. I just had this stupid picture in my mind of Calum coming with us and having some input on all of this stuff since she is his daughter. Don't get me wrong, I'm so glad you guys came, and I wouldn't want it any other way, but I thought he might come along for an hour or so."

"Are you guys still fighting?" KayKay asks, brushing her hair behind her ear.

I sniffle and nod, "Yeah. It's been a week since we last went out, and I ended up leaving his place after he snapped at me. I send him a text telling him that we were doing this this morning and where we were gonna be and that I hoped he'd come, and I thought that since we've hardly seen each other or talked this last week, he'd come. I guess I'm just an idiot though."

"No!" Crystal protests, hugging me tightly, "Don't beat yourself up, Molly. Calum's being a dick. You're not the one at fault here."

"I just wish this would've been happening at any other time. I just feel so overwhelmed with Inferno and the baby and Calum drama all happening at once."

"Any updates on Inferno?" KayKay pipes up, smiling sympathetically at me.

I huff, "Nothing. He's been dead silent for a little over a week now. I don't like this."

"What if he's just trying to wait for you to get too pregnant to fight before striking again?" Crystal speculates, her eyes wide. I stare at them quizzically.

"Wait. You are planning on taking a break from Psyche before you have the baby, right Molly? You're gonna take a maternity leave and not just be out on the streets fighting crime at nine months pregnant, right?" Sierra checks, her forehead creasing.

My cheeks heat up, "I mean, I was planning on it originally, but if Inferno is still on the streets at that time, I'm not going to be able to of course."

"I'm sure the police-"

"The police don't handle supervillains. I do. Besides, it's my fault we're in this situation in the first place. He hates me. That's why he gave himself powers in the first place. I just want to get him locked up and out of my hair for good. I can't deal with this stress guys. Even if I wanted to take a break, I wouldn't be able to. I wouldn't be able to stop worrying about every little thing. I just have to catch him soon. Then I won't have to even worry about this." I rub my temples momentarily, my head spinning from anxiety.


"I really would prefer to not talk about it," I cut in, barely holding it together. The three girls nod. We silently go back to baby shopping, unable to ignore the elephant in the room.

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