Chapter 10

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Molly's POV

"Whatcha thinking about, babe?" Calum asks me, placing his hand on my lower back as he leans against the railing beside me.

"How complicated this makes things," I answer, "Tremor, Shockwave, and Aftershock were all hard to fight and figure out, but at least I knew what they looked like most of the time. With their masks on, I mean. But now, with Inferno, it's so much harder. I have to constantly be on guard. We all do. Plus bring pregnant during all of this makes it ten times worse."

Calum takes a deep breath, "I wish I could help you more, Molly. I just, I don't know how to. I'm sorry."

"Just don't leave," I whisper as I push off of the rail. I lean against his chest. Calum's strong arms wrap around my body, holding onto me tightly. His chin rests on top of my head.

"Never," he assures me, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Any chance you want to spend the night with me?"

"Yes," I reply immediately, "But I don't think I should. Luke is really shaken up."

Calum nods, "I figured. How about I pick you up first thing tomorrow morning, and we have a date day and plan on you spending the night?"

"Sounds perfect." Calum leans back slightly so he can look down at my face. I grin back up at him, my heart full. God I love him. He kisses my nose, making me laugh loudly.


"Why are you still up, Molly?" Luke asks as I walk over and sit beside him on the couch, "It's almost three in the morning."

"Because I knew you were still awake," I reply, "How are you feeling after earlier?"

"Awful. I should've known that wasn't Felix. I ended up putting all of you in danger because of it. Sierra said you almost died because you weren't really fighting back at first."

"He looked so much like you. It was hard to fight back because, even though I knew it wasn't you, I didn't want to hurt him because he had your face. I had to keep reminding myself it was Inferno," I admit, pulling my shirt back down over my bump.

Luke notices and cracks a small smile, poking my stomach softly, "We're gonna have to get you some maternity clothes soon. Your bump is showing."

I groan, "Don't remind me. I've got enough to worry about at the moment without dragging her into it. I really need to get this whole Inferno thing figured out before she's born. The last thing I fucking need is Ryans pretending to be my fucking daughter." Luke laughs loudly, making me smile. "Maybe Sierra, Crys, Kay, and I can go shopping one day this week."

"Oh God," Luke groans, "Let me known when first so I can warn Ash and Michael."

I roll my eyes, "Warn them about what?"

"The baby fever that you're going to give them if you four go shopping. I mean, it's already bad enough with you just being pregnant."

I scoff, "Are you that scared of a baby?"

"I'm not ready to accidentally fuck up a kid yet. I'll watch yours and love it and everything, but I'm in no way, shape, or form ready for my own yet." I smile and yawn. Luke follows.

"We should head to bed," he states, suddenly sounding sleepier. I nod, standing up.

"Night Luke," I mumble, hugging him before we walk up the stairs.

"Night Molls."

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