Chapter 34

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Luke's POV

I feel both dizzy and sick. My ears ring. I can't hear anything, but I can see Calum's lips moving as he screams. Inferno is laughing. I lean over, retching.

"I've done it!" Inferno screams, his arms raised up as he stares at the sky, "I've killed Psyche! I win!"

"Think again, motherfucker," Felix snaps, shoving the syringe containing the Mercury into the side of Inferno's neck, "That wasn't really Molly, dickwad." We all turn and stare at the now empty spot on the ground where Molly's body had been lying. I see Inferno's eyes fill with disbelief before he sinks to the ground. He doesn't move again. Felix grabs the keys from his belt and unlocks my right arm before dropping the keys into my hand.

"Molly!" He screams at the top of his lungs, "Molly, where are you?"

"Felix what- shit!" Ashton yells, staring as Molly suddenly appears leaning against the back wall. Felix runs over, dropping down to his knees beside her. I fumble with the keys, desperately trying to get my other arm free.

Molly's POV

"Molly!" Felix chokes out, grabbing my hand, "Molly come on. You're fine. You're fine. You're Psyche."

"Did you call your mum?" I choke out, still cradling my bump with one hand. My body feels like it's on fire.

He nods, his chin trembling, "There's a helicopter on the way for you, dumbass. You're gonna be fine. You just gotta hold on a little longer." Luke rushes over to my other side, pulling my body into a tight hug. I just stay there, my face pressed against his shirt as he sobs into my jacket. Someone pulls my aching body out of his arms and into theirs. I glance up and see Calum. A pained smile immediately goes to my face. He sobs, holding onto my body tightly as he stares down at me. I reach up and brush a couple tears off of his chubby cheeks. My entire body is burning. Every breath is harder than the last.

"I love you, Calum. I'm sorry I didn't save you guys sooner. I should've-" I stop, unable to catch my breath. I wheeze, my vision getting dark around the edges. Calum clutches me tighter. Someone is saying something, but I can't hear it.

Felix's POV

"I should've-" Molly stops talking. She gasps for breath before her body just kind of goes slack. Her eyes get far away and glassy. Calum screams. I pull her out of his arms and start CPR. She's not dying. Not on my watch.

"Felix!" My mom calls, running in with ten other cops as well as paramedics. She rushes over and sees Molly laying there. Her jaw gets tight, "Save the baby. But don't you dare give up on her. She's not done. She's a fighter." The paramedics nod and load her onto a stretcher quickly, one of them still doing the chest compressions. Other EMTs rush around, checking on all of the people who were held as prisoners. I don't pay attention to that. I just run after Molly, determined to not leave her side. I need to be there to scream at her when she walks up.

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