Chapter 43

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Molly's POV

As soon he see spots me, Jack smirks, "Nice, Molly."

I roll my eyes, "Oh shut up. I haven't gotten any since a little before I was five months pregnant. And thanks to you guys, I still haven't gotten any." Calum rolls his eyes and blushes at my words as he sits down on the couch.

"TMI, Molly," mum tells me. Both her and dad are making faces. I shrug and sit down beside Calum, leaning back against his chest.

"Well sorry for flying in early to try to surprise you," Ben teases, "We're just so excited to see our niece. Where is she by the way?"

"Out with Luke and Sierra," Calum answers, combing his fingers through my hair.

"You guys really got them to take her out, so you could get it on. Sounds exactly like Molly," Jack giggles.

"Jack Hemmings," dad scolds, frowning at him. My brother just continues to laugh.

"I'll text Luke and tell him to bring Zara back early," Calum states, sitting up so he can reach his phone out of his back pocket. "He said they were already on their way back and will be here in like five minutes."

"So," Ben breaks the silence, "How have you guys been? We haven't see you in months."

Mum nods in agreement, "I have to say, I didn't appreciate finding out about my first grandchild through a 5SOS fan account, Molly."

"Better than how Luke and everyone that's not Calum found out," I reply, shrugging, "After I was in an explosion caused by a new supervillain and had to be taken to the hospital." My parents both take a deep breath. Ben and Jack's eyes light up.

"This is the shape shifter guy, right? Inferno or something," Jack continues, moving around the side of the couch to sit by me.

I nod, "Yeah. He's the guy that shot me back when Shockwave and Aftershock kidnapped all of you. He ended up giving himself powers and harassed me for months while slowly kidnapping all of the boys, Sierra, KayKay, and Crystal. I ended up dying, but I'm back so..."

"Did you kiss Inferno at all when he was disguised as Calum?" Ben jokes, making my nose wrinkle in disgust. I feel Calum tense up as he shifts his body slightly to look at me.

"No!" I exclaim, "Ew! Of course not. With the way Inferno Calum was treating me, I wouldn't even hold his hand."

He nods in agreement, "Yeah, she's probably not wrong." Luckily, the front door opens, saving me from any more of this conversation. Petunia comes running over, jumping up onto Jack's lap while licking his face all over.

"Oh," Luke says after he spots mum, dad, Jack, and Ben, "I didn't know you guys were coming this early."

"Neither did Molly and Calum, but that didn't stop them," Ben teases, making me smack his arm. Sierra passes me Zara, who is awake and staring around the room. My heart melts at the sight of her. I kiss her forehead, then brush back her fluffy hair from her face. Calum reaches around me and boops her nose.

"Guys," I start, turning her in my arms so she's facing outwards, "This is Zara."

"Oh she's precious," mum coos, holding her index finger out to my daughter. Zara ignores it, her tiny tongue poking out from between her lips as she stares at the world around her. I pass her over to mum, who immediately cradles her to her chest.

"She looks just like you and Drew did," dad comments, smiling at me, "Just with dark hair."

"Her cheeks are chubbier than mine and Drew's ever were. And her nose is definitely from Calum," I point out, "But other than that, yeah." He goes back to staring at her. Ben and Jack also crowd around mum. I glance up at Calum, who's looking over at Zara with a smile on his face, and grin, my heart full.

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