Chapter 20

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Calum's POV

"You know," Inferno says, scooting his desk chair over so he's seated in front of me, "I almost feel bad for you, Calum."

"Why? Because I'm being held captive by a fucking psychopath who has me chained to the fucking wall?" Hate burns in my body as I look at his ugly, masked face.

He just laughs, "You've been missing for almost a week. Your best friends and bandmates, their girlfriends, and Psyche haven't even noticed. That either means my plan is working, or you have the world's worst friends." I bite my tongue, not wanting to encourage him. Molly will come get me, I assure myself, Any day now. A phone buzzes in his pocket. Inferno pulls it out to check the text. I immediately recognize it as my own due to the picture of Duke on my phone case.

"Molly wants to know if you'll please go to her sonogram with her today. She says it's the one where, ooh this is exciting, you can find out if there are any major abnormalities in your kid. Apparently it's supposed really be starting to look like a newborn now. She's really missing you, you know. But she's also extremely pissed at how distant you've been acting." My heart aches as I watch him type on my phone.

"Please," I beg him, "Don't hurt Molly or our daughter. Just-"

"Hush," he commands before simply standing up and leaving, still typing on my phone. I lower my head as I start to softly cry.

Molly's POV

I sit on the edge of my bed, clutching my phone in my hands. My leg bounces up and down anxiously as I wait for Calum to answer me. 

I really can't today

Calum please. I don't want to do this alone

You aren't fucking alone Molly. You've got Luke and the others.

I want you though Calum. She's your daughter. Please

I just really don't want to be around you right now Molly, okay? Can I have like five minutes without you breathing down my neck?
And it's not like she's ever gonna fucking know the difference.
Who the fuck cares if I miss one dumb sonogram?

I try to choke back a sob as I text him but fail. Hot tears start to run down my cheeks as my heart aches. I throw my phone onto the floor before dramatically flopping sideways on my bed. I bury my face into my matress, trying to make the pain stop.

"Molls can I- Fuck, what's wrong?" Luke's at my side almost immediately, pulling my body into a tight hug. I sob into his shirt, the world seemingly spinning around me. I feel sick. "Molly what happened?"

"I hate Calum," I choke out, gasping for breath.

"No you don't," he reasons, "but what did he do?" I pull out of his arms and furiously wipe my tear stained cheeks before grabbing my phone. I unlock it and pass it to my older brother, so he can read the texts. I sit silently, watching as his expression gets more and more angry the more he reads.

"What the fu- Molly, I'm sure he doesn't really mea- I- I'm sorry." Luke pulls me back against his chest again. I cry some more, feeling helpless and miserable.

"Don't cry," he pleads, "I'll go with you to your sonogram. When is it?"

"In like an hour," I answer, "I'm not going though."

"Oh yes you are," my brother argues, "You're not doing this again, Molly. Not right now."

"Not doing what?" I mumble, moving out of his grasp again. I lay down, my face pressed into a pillow.

"Distancing and disassociating yourself from us. The last time you did this shit was two years ago when you lost your powers, and that time, you disappeared for days, didn't take care of yourself, and put yourself in a lot of danger. You're not doing that again this time."

"I have my powers this time," I argue.

"You have a child this time. Molly, you can't do this. I know this whole thing with Calum is awful. I don't know why he's being a dick about this whole situation. But I'm not gonna let you go down this path again and put yourself and your daughter in danger. You can scream at me or hate me or whatever, but you're going to that goddamn sonogram. Now put some damn shoes on and meet me out at my car."

I stare at him in both shock and admiration, "We actually don't have to leave for another twenty minutes."

Luke nods, "Alright then. I'll see you down at my car in twenty minutes." He turns and leaves, probably to go find Sierra. I sit there, a small smile creeping onto my lips before I climb off of my bed and grab a pair of converse.

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