Chapter 36

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Calum's POV

I've been sitting across from the nursery for forty minutes, ever since Felix left me alone. My chest aches as I stare at my daughter. How could I have ever be scared of having her? My throat burns as I think of how excited Molly grew to be for her arrival. We should be up in some hospital room right now, taunting the others by not telling them her name. God, we don't even have a name for her. I fucked everything up.

"Cal?" Ashton calls, making me turn my head. I look up at him, my gaze weary. "Molly's kind of up. She's in a room right now and wants to see you."

"Really?" My voice is high and squeaky. He nods. I can barely contain myself as I follow him to my girlfriend's room, my heart racing and my head spinning.

"In there," Ash tells me, his voice quiet, "But she might be asleep now. We told her to get some rest." I nod and push the door open, rushing inside.

Molly is laying on her back, her eyes closed. One arm is up, resting across her forehead. The other is at her side. Her cheeks have tear stains on them. I stop, unable to contain myself anymore. I break down sobbing as I slowly make my way over to the side of her bed. I take a seat in one of the chairs and grab her hand. It's cold. My stomach turns anxiously as I just grip her hand tightly, pressing soft kisses against her palm while she sleeps. After a few minutes, she starts to stir, her eyes fluttering open. I take my chance.

"I'm so sorry, Molly. God I fucked everything up. I-"

"Calum," she chokes out, turning to face me. She cups one of my cheeks with her other hand. I press my face harder against it, just enjoying her soft touch, "God I missed you. Get your ass up here now, so I can kiss you." I laugh at her command and carefully climb up onto her bed beside her. Molly rolls on top of me before connecting our lips. I tangle my hands in her long blonde hair, just breathing in her familiar scent. She pulls her lips off of mine but continues to lie on top of me.

"Don't you ever do that shit again," I snap, my heart racing wildly, "Jesus Christ I've never been more scared, Molly. I thought I lost you and our baby."

"Is she okay?" She demands, her eyes wide.

I nod, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear as I nod, "She's so perfect. They have her down in the nursery. I've been down there for the past forty five minutes or so."

Molly's face lights up, "What does she look like?"

"Like you in your baby pictures," I answer, "But she has my dark hair and really chubby cheeks. She's so tiny." She tears up again before pressing her face into my chest. I just hold her, never wanting to let her go.

"I love you Calum," she mumbles against my neck.

"I love you more," I assure her, "More than you can ever possibly know. And I'm so sorry fo-"

"No," she cuts in, "it's over." I nod and kiss her again. "But we do need to talk baby names."

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