Chapter 6

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Molly's POV

"Oh good," Sierra says once she sees Luke and I walk through the front door, "You're home."

"What's wrong babe?" Luke asks her, a frown on his face. She bites her lip and turns up the volume on the television.

"Our sources have confirmed that the beloved L.A. based superhero, Psyche, A.K.A. Molly Hemmings, is indeed pregnant. Hemmings was at the sight of the burnt jail earlier tonight when there was another explosion that injured her. She was rushed to the hospital to check on the health of the baby. We-"

"Turn it off," Luke says to Sierra.

"No I'm watching," I cut in. She shrugs, but leaves it on.

"Uh, apparently we have a caller the producers want to put on the show," the female anchor says, glancing around at the people off camera, "This message is being aired live and may contain sensitive content." A box appears in the top right corner of the television screen. It's completely black. 

"Psyche," a voice calls softly, "I've been waiting a long time for this Psyche." My blood runs cold. I see Sierra grab Luke's hand, gripping it tightly. "I'm finally ready, Psyche. Are you? A child won't stop me from killing you and everyone you love. I'll burn everything you cherish to the ground. You should've never messed with Inferno."

The message cuts off, leaving the two anchor people sitting there with their mouths open. Everything is quiet. The news switches to a dog food commercial. My heart races. I sink down to the ground, my head spinning.

"Molly! Molly, look at me," Luke shouts, suddenly down beside me. I blink, but can't seem to focus on him. A million thoughts rush through my mind, horrible things that Inferno could do to my family. I feel sick and light-headed.

"I've got you, Molly," Sierra whispers, holding my body in her arms. My head rests on her chest, "It's okay. Deep breath. Deep breath." I come back to reality and immediately burst into tears. I was done with supervillains. I was done. It was only supposed to be simple crimes now.

"It's okay," Luke says, running his hand through my hair. I'm suddenly leaning against him now. Sierra is still sitting in the floor beside us, but she's petting Petunia, who is confused by all of us sitting on the floor.

"He's gonna kill everyone," I mumble to myself, "I have to go. I have to find him an-"

"Calm down, Molly," Luke says, pulling me back down, "You don't even know who Inferno is. We're fine. We're okay."

"It's the former officer Ryans."

"Who?" Luke asks, confused.

"The cop who killed her when we were Shockwave and Aftershock's hostages," Sierra pipes up, "I thought he was human."

"He's spent the last two years in jail coming up with the right chemicals formulas to bond with his DNA to get powers, like how Tremor and I got ours. He hates me for ruining his life," I choke out.

"You can't go out right now, Molls," Luke protests, "You've had a long night. Just wait until tomorrow. Okay? For me?" I give in, still resting against his body as the four of us sit there in silence.

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