Chapter 33

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Molly's POV

I make my way into the warehouse, glancing around nervously, my heart aching. I absently-mindedly rub my bump, trying to distract myself from the fact that I'll probably never actually get to see my daughter. I swallow hard and move deeper into the warehouse, roaming around for a while before I spot an open door and go inside the new room.

"Molls?" Someone chokes out, sounding hurt. I look down and see Calum on the ground, his face bloody and bruised. One of his eyes is swollen shut. I move towards him, then stop. It's not him. He doesn't call me "Molls".

"Calum?" I ask, playing along, "What happened to you? Was this Inferno?"

He coughs and forces himself up, "He captured me. I think he brought Michael in too. I said you'd save us, and he flipped out and attacked me." He holds his hand out to me. I grab it then slam my boot against his neck, pinning his body against the ground. A deep laugh laugh his lips, "What gave it away, Psyche?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," I snap, pressing harder as I twist his arm, "Where's Michael?" I need him to think I just got here. He can't know about Felix.

"Just Michael? Or all of them? Because I have every single person you care about here, just waiting for death." His eyes shine bright as he taunts me.

"I don't think you're really in a position to be messing around, Inferno. Where the fuck are they?" His body erupts in flames, burning my hands. I swear and drop him, backing off. Inferno scrambles to his feet, his body on fire as Calum's face melts away to reveal his own face, hiding behind a burnt orange mask. He cackles loudly, circling me before he lunges. I jump to the side and take off running, my mind racing. I close my eyes and will a copy of myself to appear. Sure enough, when I open my eyes, an exact match is running beside me. I grit my teeth and turn invisible as my copy and I run into the room with Inferno's prisoners. I will my clone to stop in the middle of the room as I quietly make my way against the back wall, still invisible. My body starts to burn uncomfortably as I force the illusion to remain longer and longer.

Luke's POV

"Molls?" I choke out, staring at my baby sister, "Is it actually you?" She just stares at us, her eyes burning with anger. Something seems off about her.

"Found them, huh?" Inferno laughs, stalking into the room. He closes the door, a malicious grin on his face. "They've been here waiting for you. Some for months. I wasn't going to kill you yet, but since you found this room, it looks like it's time."

Molly's jaw clenches, "If you can fucking catch me." She vanishes, turning invisible. Inferno just laughs and pulls a knife from his boot. He walks over to Crystal and puts it under her neck, holding her head in place. She whimpers softly, her body tense. My heart races. Michael is screaming at him to let her go. Molly reappears, and Inferno moves away.

"You see how this works now, Psyche?" He questions, "I'm planning on killing you first, but if you're going to be difficult, then I can kill them first. Your move." She glances around at us nervously before just lunging at him. I watch in horror as Inferno erupts into flames as she hits him. She falls backwards onto the floor, screaming in agony. Inferno extinguishes himself before pinning her arms to the floor, straddling her body.

"Get off of her!" Calum screams, yanking on his chains, "Get the fuck off of her right now!" Inferno just laughs, watching as Molly struggles underneath him. Why won't Felix do something? I feel sick.

"Molly, Molly, Molly," Inferno chuckles, pulling a knife out of boot, "Should I kill you with a knife or just beat you to death?"

"Please," Molly chokes out, tears rushing down her cheeks, "Please don't hurt them anymore. Just let them go. Just kill me."

"No!" Michael screeches, beating the rest of us to it.

"I'm going to kill all of you," Inferno snarls, "But I'm gonna hurt you first. Do you know how I did it Psyche? How I kept up this illusion for so long? How I was able to answer every one of your stupid questions right every time?" Molly doesn't answer. Inferno laughs and continues anyways, "I can read minds. Everytime you'd ask a question, I could just read your mind because you'd be thinking of the answer. It was right there. But that's not even the best part. The best part is that I didn't even need to make things up to hurt you."

"Molly, no!" Calum shouts. My stomach drops.

"Calum being scared of being second to your powers and secret identity, Luke regretting bringing you to California after Drew died, all of it. I just sat here and picked their brains to find out their deepest, darkest secrets and true feelings about you." Molly's formally bright eyes dim. I can see the disbelief and defeat on her face as her shoulders sag.

"Molly, I swear I-" Inferno holds his arm out towards me and a wave of fire shoots out, burning my skin slightly. Molly looks at me in pain for half a second before Inferno strikes again.

"I win," his eyes are wide as he punches her in the face three times. Once he's done, I can see the bruises already forming on her cheeks and forehead. She's got a couple gashes along her face as well. He still has the knife in his hand, I realize, watching as he stands up. Molly coughs loudly, her lips are red and glistening with blood. Her arms wrap around her baby bump as she curls up. Inferno laughs and kicks her four times in the back, making me dizzy. I'm gonna kill him. I'm going to kill Inferno if it's the last thing I do.

"Two years," Inferno rants, his voice hysterical, "Two years I've been sitting in that prison, rotting away as I planned my revenge. My cellmate thought I was crazy. He thought no one could beat the great Psyche. But I have!" He kicks her in the head. I feel hot tears rushing down my face.

"Please," Molly begs, "Ryans, I know I've ruined your life. You don't have to do this. You can-"

"You're wrong, Psyche," he replies, his voice eerily calm, "I do have to do this." He kicks her body again. Molly slides across the floor, her body stopping a few feet away from me. "I'm afraid your time is up." My little sister's big blue eyes meet mine before Inferno brings his boot down on her throat. It snaps with a sickening crunch noise. The wind is seemingly knocked out of my body as I stare at my sister's lifeless corpse lying on the ground in front of me.

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