Chapter 24

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Three months later

"Luke!" I whine, scratching Petunia's head.

My older brother walks into my bedroom, his eyebrows raised, "What's up, Molls?"

I grin sheepishly, "You know how you said you'd do anything to make my life easier?"

"What do you need?"

"Can you help me put my shoes on? I can't reach my feet anymore because this fucker is in the way."

"Stop calling your daughter a fucker," Luke scolds, grabbing my converse from me. He sits on the ground and pushes the right shoe on my right foot before starting to tie the laces. 

"What else am I supposed to call her? She doesn't have a name. Besides, she's knows I love her because I eat all the weird shit she makes me crave. Fucker is just a nickname I have at the moment. It's mostly referring to my stomach, anyways, not her," I explain, making Luke roll his eyes.

"Whatever lies you need to tell yourself, Molls. Where are you going?" He grabs the other shoe and shoves it onto my left foot.

"The police station. Felix said they got an odd tip the other day that might be Inferno related, so I'm going to listen and see what I think. I'll coming back here right after though. Calum is supposed to come over and talk with me later."

Luke sighs, his shoulders visibly relaxing, "Oh thank God. I've been waiting all month for this. I think you guys can finally get past your issues now."

I nod in agreement, "I think so too. The past two months we've actually texted, and it's been getting better. Maybe we just needed a little space from each other to figure everything out. Either way, the timing is perfect. Me and Calum are back on the right track, and we might have the first real Inferno tip we've had in months. My life feels like it's coming together."

He laughs and gives me a quick side hug, "I'm so happy for you, Molls. You deserve it after the last three and a half months you've been through. Anyways, Sierra and I are going on a date tonight and won't be back until a little later. If you and Calum make-up, make sure you're making up in your room. The last thing we need is a repeat of your one year anniversary."

I roll my eyes at his comment, "In my defense, you told me you were staying at Sierra's place, and it's not like you even saw anything. My shirt wasn't even off yet."

"That was still way too much, Molly," Luke whines, "You're my little sister. I'd love to believe that you never did anything even PG-13."

"I'm going to have a baby in a month, literal proof I've done more than PG-13, but okay Luke." He rolls his eyes, snickering softly at my comment. My phone beeps. I look down and check my new text.

I'm outside. You heading out soon?

Yeah I'll be down in two minutes.

"Felix?" Luke inquires.

I nod, standing up, "Yeah. He's taking me over to the police station since using my powers wipes me out at the moment. I guess I'll see you later, Luke."

He smiles and hugs me, "Good luck with Inferno. And tonight with Calum." I flash him a thumbs up as I waddle out of my room and over to the staircase.

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