Chapter 37

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Molly's POV

"I'm gonna fucking kill you Molly," Luke states simply as soon as he sees me. I laugh loudly and pull him into a hug, squeezing my older brother tighter than I ever have before.

"I still saved your ass," I state simply as we break apart, "I think the least you could do is not kill me in return." Calum snorts in amusement. The three of us sit in silence for a few minutes, the room getting more and more tense.

Luke breaks the silence, "What happened earlier Molly?"

"I knew you were gonna ask that," I half-heartedly joke. I glance over and see his and Calum's serious expressions. I sigh, "I lied to you all about teleporting making me sick. Long story short, I actually have a secret-ish power that allows me to basically project what I want people to see. I used it before, right after I died in the smugglers bust a year ago. I know how much it kills you guys to see me die, so I kind of made it so no one actually remembered me dying and thought I turned around in time to stop the bullet. That's the power that makes me sick, not teleporting. But I had no way to explain that power without just telling you I died again so..."

"So the Psyche that Inferno killed..."

"Was just a copy of myself that I created. I had to stay invisible in the back of the room and control her. I'm sorry you guys had to see that. And watch me die after."

"Did you actually," Calum swallows hard, looking pale, "die? Like die die?" Luke looks a little faint while they wait for my answer.

I nod, staring at the white bedsheet, "I was gone. I accepted my death. I mean, I knew I was gonna die as soon as I thought of the plan. I don't really know how I came back. Drew-" Luke raises his eyebrows, clearly more interested now. I take a deep breath, "I saw Drew. I think. I might have been hallucinating. She told me to get my ass back to you guys. I just kind of rolled my eyes and turned around."

"There really is no normal with you," Calum laughs, smiling at me. I giggle and push his shoulder.

"Thank you," Luke says a moment later, "For saving our asses again. And dying for us. Inferno-"

"How long did he have you? Both of you."

"Me personally? Since he posed as Calum and broke up with you. Sierra and I went to confront him, and he kidnapped both of us. Calum, Ashton, Crystal, and KayKay were all already there when we were chained up. Calum was there the longest."

"I should've-"

"No," Calum cuts in, stopping me, "None of that. I'm serious Molly. It's over now. Inferno is gone. It's done, and we can't change it." I nod and lean my head against Luke's shoulder. We fall back into silence for a few seconds before I look over and see Luke and Calum exchanging a guilty glance. My stomach flips anxiously.

"Molly, about what Inferno said about the whole deepest, darkest secrets thing-"

"No," I cut in, my spirits falling again as I think about it, "It's fine. You know, I uh, do put Psyche stuff first a lot, and, um, have been the source of all of the major danger you guys have been in since you brought me here, Luke. I get it."

Luke rolls his eyes, "Are you fucking done yet?" I nod. "Stop trying to be tough Molly. I did regret bringing you to LA with me, but that was only for like three seconds back before I knew you were Psyche and thought you were a drug dealer because I exposed you to the prime market for that shit in our old neighborhood. Like I've said a million times before, I love having you here, stupid."

Calum nods in agreement, "When Tremor said he had to dig for our deepest, darkest secrets, he really had to dig because they were barely even conscious thoughts. That whole being second place to Psyche thing was from when we first started dating and barely even saw each other because you were Psyche. After our first date at the beach, it was gone, Molly. Trust us, you have nothing to worry about, babe. You're one of the best things that has happened to me."

"And me," Luke adds, smiling widely. I hug them both tightly, my throat tight.

"Ms. Hemmings?" A nurse calls, knocking on my door. I glance over, my heart nearly melting at the sight of the pink bundle in her arms. "We have someone who wants to meet you." She walks over and places my baby girl into my arms. I cradle her against my chest, my heart melting.

"God she's even more perfect up close," Calum mumbles, rubbing his index finger against her cheek.

"She's so tiny," Luke states, smiling widely.

"Wanna hold her now?" I ask softly, glancing up at Calum. He nods, his eyes wide as he accepts the sleeping baby, cradling her tiny body to his chest.

"Do you guys have a name yet?" Luke looks up, glancing between Calum and I.

I grin widely, nodding, "We just came up with one. Before you came in that is."

"Can I know now?" He pleads.

"I suppose so," I start, glancing up at Calum with a smile on my face. 

Calum nods in agreement, "If we tell you though, you have to swear not to tell the others. You may have escaped the end of visitor hours while the others didn't, but that doesn't mean we don't want to torture them tomorrow."

"Even from Sierra?" I nod. Luke groans, but nods, "Fine. I swear I won't tell anyone her name." Cal and I exchange a satisfied nod.

"Zara," I breathe out, "Zara Elise Hood."

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