Chapter 7

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Molly's POV

"This is all we have on Ryans," Felix says, dropping a folder on the table, "It's just basic shit from his training. So not only do we not have any leads on him, but we also don't have any clue about his powers."

"They should be heat related, right? I mean, he goes by Inferno and caused the explosions," Chief Owens reasons.

I shake my head no, "Not necessarily. I mean, I go by Psyche because of my mind related powers, but I can super speed and fly, which aren't related to it at all." She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Wells, can you think of anything that might give us a clue as to where he is?" Chief Owens asks, turning her attention to the fourth person, "You were the one who worked closest with him."

Officer Wells shakes his head looking miserable, "He was just an ordinary, ambitious guy. He hid his hated of Psyche pretty damn well. I never even suspected-"

"Anything at all," Felix cuts in, "Please Wells. We need this. Was there anything about him that stuck out to you?"

He hesitates, "It's not a lead or anything-"

"What is it?" I push, biting my lip.

"He had this weird quirk. Anytime he got really upset, or nervous, or angry, he started cracking things."

"Cracking things?" Chief Owens repeats.

"Like his knuckles, neck, and back. It was weird though. He had a pattern. He always started with his left hand, and he didn't crack them the normal way. He'd pull each finger, starting with his left pinkie, then ending with his right. After that, he'd crack his neck, left to right. His back was always last. He did that one right to left though."

"Why do you remember this?" Felix questions, clearly a little weirded out.

Wells blushes, "I just thought it was funny. I would tease him about it if he was in a good mood." I glance up at the clock on the wall.

"I've gotta go," I say softly, standing up, "I'll keep looking into things. Let me know if you find anything." The three of them nod and watch me leave.


"Why the fuck are we all here?" I ask Ashton, leaning against the back of the couch.

He shrugs, "I don't know. Luke just texted and said that we should meet and try to figure out this Inferno thing. How are you feeling about it?"

"I'm pissed." Calum rubs my back.

"Okay," Luke calls, "We should talk about this Inferno guy, mates." I cringe.

"Does his accent sound weird to you? Like he's trying to fake it?" Calum whispers to me. Ash and I nod.

"I'm just gonna let Petunia in and get a drink then I'm ready," Sierra comments. She opens the back door, and my baby comes running in. Luke backs away, staring at his dog nervously. I sit up straighter, the gears in my head turning faster. Petunia growls loudly at Luke.

"Sierra," I call, making her turn her head back to me, "Can you come here for a sec? I wanna see something." She nods and comes over. Ash, Cal, Mikey, Crys, Sierra, and Kay are all behind me now. Petunia growls louder. Luke cracks his knuckles, pulling on his left pinkie finger. I watch as he moves all the way to the right. Then his neck, left to right. Finally his back, using the chair to twist himself right then left.


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