Chapter 15 - The Greatest Wizards

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"What do you thinks going to happen now?" Luna asked Vincent worriedly as they both sat outside, basking in the summer heat.

"With Dumbledore gone, there's a chance that Hogwarts will close," Vincent said bitterly, ever since his meeting with Dumbledore he had been looking forward to going to Hogwarts. Now that there's a chance of it closing, he felt somewhat sad, "however, if the culprit is caught, then I'm sure everything should be fine."

"What about telling the teachers about what you've discovered so far?" she asked as she picked a small piece of grass.

"If I were to tell someone about the diary then they'd either not believe me or not act on it due to lack of evidence," Vincent sighed, "in either case, the chances of the culprit going into hiding if they heard the teachers were on to them are extremely high."

"You're probably right," she said while taking out her magazine to read.

"Change of subject, what's that magazine you read every day?" Vincent asked trying to get away from the depressing topic.

"Oh, this?" Luna held up her upside-down magazine titled, The Quibbler, "it's something my father publishes,  he sends me each new edition. It publishes what people find as 'unusual'. Oh, see here? This is about the Crumple-Horned Snorkack I've been telling you about!"

Vincent couldn't help but smile as he read the magazine with the somewhat quirky girl. Even with all the chaos going on, it was peaceful times like these that allowed Vincent to relax. He gave a small pat on the blond girl's head who just continued explaining what a Blibbering Humdinger was.


"How hard is it to find a single bloody spider!" Ron said in frustration.

"Are you sure you're just not too scared to find one?" Vincent asked as he stirred his pot, "Ah, Seamus, don't add that!"

Seamus barely managed to stop at Vincent's command, "What?"

"I suggest if you don't want to blow up again, you'd read your instructions carefully."

Seamus paled as he went to look at his book, carefully scanning each instruction carefully.

"I'm quite surprised the Mudbloods haven't all packed their bags by now," Malfoy's voice came from behind, "bet you five Galleons the next one dies. Pity it wasn't Granger —"

Vincent frowned before turning to face Malfoy who had his usual arrogant smirk on his face, "What do you want, you filthy little—"

"Shut your mouth Malfoy," Malfoy went silent at Vincent's incredibly threatening voice, "you want to bet? Fine, let's make it fifty Galleons that no one dies."


"What? All talk and no bite?" Vincent smiled. Snape merely watched as did the whole class.

"Fine then, just don't cry to me once you lose Wong!" Malfoy said trying to put on a brave front.

"Right back at you," Vincent said as the bell rang, "here's the completed swelling solution Professor."

Snape merely nodded as he took the vial that Vincent handed him, "I will now escort you all to Herbology, note that those who will be left behind will be punished and you will be wishing that it was the monster when I'm through with you."

"Jerk," both Ron and Harry muttered.

Professor Sprout set them all to work pruning the Abyssinian Shrivelfigs. Vincent had his arms full of withered stalks when he noticed a Hufflepuff boy called ErnieMacmillan apologizing to Harry about something. Vincent didn't stick around though as he noticed Ron starting to shiver.

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