Chapter 6| Small Injury

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Yoongis POV
It's been two days since Jimin and I kissed and now it's Monday and all seven of us have to work. We get ready and I make breakfast. We eat and go our separate ways. I talk to Namjoon while looking at a scan of a patient "Anything happen after I left you two the night of the party?" "I don't kniw, don't remember anything, but two days ago I kissed him." "YOU DID WHAT?" "I kissed him." "Dude! Details." I sigh shaking my head. "Jimin dropped a plate, got some glass in his hand I helped him take it out, and I lost it and kissed him. When we pulled away, I apologized, but he then kissed me." "Where was it?" "The kitchen." "Where in the kitchen?" "Fuck."
"What?" "She has a tumor." He looks closer at the scan. "Damn it." We go to the patient and tell her the news and she wants the surgery today so that's what we will do. It's about 10:48 AM. I see Jimin with a patient along with Jungkook wheeling the man on the stretcher in. The man was unconscious but suddenly woke up and went ballistic. He yells and screams. Jimin tried to grab him to hold him down and calm him and a doctor trying to put the man to sleep. He grabs Jimin by the collar of his uniform and punches him throwing him over the bed into a metal rack of supplies. Jungkook also tried to stop the patient but got hit in the face. The doctors finally knock him out. God, I think my job is hard. Most of mine currently are in a freaking coma or asleep because of surgery or just a really bad injury. Although sometimes that's not always the case. I immediately run up to Jimin and Jungkook does the same also Namjoon. I check to make sure his head is okay and I check his pupils. "I sometimes hate my job," Jimin says. "Jokes aside though, Jimin are you okay?" "Yeah." "Hyung Don't lie," Jungkook says. "I'm not." We help him up and get him on a bed. He groans in pain. "Im going to get Jin in here," Namjoon says. Jin comes in and freaks out asking a hundred questions. Also doing a check-up. Jungkook, Namjoon, and I stand in the room Jin closes a curtain. "Jimin your gonna need to take off your shirt." He nods and does so. Taehyung also joining in. I see his abs and his muscular arms and everything. Goddamn. I noticed a bruise on his rips. "Imma call Hobi to be safe. That was a metal rack you landed on." He nods. Hobi ran in and gasp and started to freak out but calmed down and did the exam. Also, the patient that had a tumor went into a cardiac arrest suddenly so Hobi Namjoon and I quickly had to leave when we got paged. In the end, the patient died. We went back to Jimin after calling the time of death. It was just a really really bad bruise with also a bad cut. So just a small injury. They get it cleaned up. Everyone left and it was just Jimin and I. He changed back into his uniform. I decided to mention what happened two days ago. "I know this is late, but again I'm sorry about what happened on Saturday. I was out of line and shouldn't have done that." "Hey, it's okay. I actually kinda liked it." Jimin smiled. Patted my shoulder, thanked me, and left. I watched as he left. After he left I had to go talk to the nurse of the patient that died. Namjoon already told the family. I see a few nurses cleaning up the mess. I see Jimin walk into the ambulance with Jungkook. It's now 2:01 PM I had to eat a late lunch. I was in peace when a nurse came to me and flirted. I reject her and throw away the rest of my food because I lost my appetite due to her awful flirting. I text Jimin.

Yoongi💙: Hey how's your ribs?

Jimin💜: They're okay. Still hurts. I'm on break rn what about you

Yoongi💙: That's good. I'm also on break as well.

Jimin💜: Good! You deserve one for your hard work!

God, he's just too sweet.

Yoongi💙: Aw thanks you deserve it as well you probably work harder than me.

Jimin💜: Nah. You have surgeries and all the cool things!

Yoongi💙: Hey I think you're great at your job and work very hard.

Jimin💜: Thank you!

Yoongi💙: Well I better get back to work! See you tonight.

Jimin💜: Yup see you tonight!

~fast forward~
I now finally get off work. I arrive at the apartment before Jimin. I warm up the leftovers. Jimin gets home two hours late. "Sorry, I'm late. It got busy right before I got off." I nod in understanding and continued watching TV. He comes back in a T-shirt and shorts. He barely eats anything. But he grabbed a glass of wine and sat at the table with his laptop. He was researching somethings. I didn't bother to ask because I don't want to always be in his business.  He typed away on his computer.
Soon he goes to bed after his glass of wine. I have one myself. I get a call from my parents and talk to them for a while. Then I go and shower. All I thought of was Jimin. I seriously can't get him out of my mind. I get up and peek in his room and see him sleeping. I smile. He looks so peaceful. I close his door and go to bed which is normally an easy task, but tonight I couldn't sleep to save my life.
Suddenly memories of the night of the party. When I kissed him. Shit. We made out. We've made out almost twice. Also, did I mention how good of a kisser he is. Better than any man or woman. Like the fuck? I could kiss him all day every if I could and never get tired of it. Like seriously? How can he be that beautiful and amazing and be that good of a kisser? He literally has the definition of a perfect body. Then his personality and everything is like a bonus. You know what. Park Jimin can fucking choke me if he pleased. Literally every army. Am I right? He's a beautiful human being. Literally fucking perfect.

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