Chapter 34| Argument

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Some trigger warnings
Jimins POV
Today Yoongi and I were both working. So far it's been a crappy day. I nearly got punched in the face. I had a Psych patient that punched me in the face. Someone died, and someone fell on their knees screaming and crying in front of me to bring them back when there was nothing I could do. So Jungkook and I charted that. Then there was a 15 year old girl who was in a lot of pain. I went to give her some pain medicine. But it was gone. "Why won't you give me anything!" She yelled at me. "I will in just a second I have to get to it." "No I want the other one." She said. "Okay." I look at Jungkook and he just nods. He goes to get the same thing as me but can't get it either. "I-Im sorry but we don't seem to have the certain one, so we'll give a replacement, but it works the same." "Why are you even a paramedic. You're more looks then smarts. You don't even know what you're doing do you." "I do, it's just that I think someone took it." ""Just whatever give me what I need." I do what she said. She meets her mother at the hospital when we arrived. The doctors took her. "Jungkook where did the mornie go?" "I don't know it was there earlier I swear. We both saw it right." "Yeah." I call my boss and tell him the situation. I end the call when the mother came up to me. "Why aren't you doing your job properly! My daughter needs surgery you stupid idiot!" "I'm very sorry ma'am, but I have no control over who gets surgery." "You can't take care of patients properly can you!" "The mornie which was the pain medicine I was supposed to give her was gone so I gave a replacement like we're supposed to do." "You probably went to a crappy college! You stupid fool!" "I did was all paramedics are told to do. My partner watched me do it as well." "Well he was more helpful than you!" "Not to mention you're on your phone during work!" "I-I was talking to my boss." "Same the lies young man! Your parents must be ashamed! You're the reason my daughter is having surgery! Because you can't properly take care of people!" "I'm not a doctor. I'm a first responder ma'am." "Doesn't matter! And I think you should eat less as well! Your face is full!" She hits the top of my head. I yelp "Whats your name!" "J-Jimin. Park Jimin." She scoffs. "What an idiot You don't belong, nor do you have the smarts Jimin I hope you're ashamed of yourself!" She slaps me and begins to walks away. Next thing I know is cold water with ice still in it beging poured on me. Her ring slightly cut the side of my cheek as well when she slapped me. She said my name like it was the most disgusting thing. Everyone was staring me. Including Yoongi, and Nancy, and the Taekook couple. Everyone in that room was staring. I feel tears welling in my eyes and the side of my face starting to sting. I look down and then back up I begin to run both if my hands through my hair already stressed out beginning to walk out shivering slightly. I wipe my beginning tears. I walk into the bathroom. I clean myself up. I walk out to see Yoongi with another surgeon. He was giving her the same look he gives me. The look of love and adoration. That smile. Then both of their body language. I watch to make sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me and that I'm not paranoid. She touched his arm and he didn't even move it. She goes on her toes a little and goes to kiss his cheek and he turned his head and their lips touched. He touched his lip and laughed. Another tear falling down my face. He looks over and sees me. So does she. She smiles at me, but Yoongi smiles fades. He begins to walk toward me, but I just shake my head and turn out quickly walking away. He tries to catch up to me. "Jimin! Jimin wait!" I ignore him. Not in the mood to talk. He catches up but when he does I get a page. I look at him and walk away. "Jimin..." Jungkook began. "Dont." I know that Nancy, and the Taekook couple saw it as well. The call was a man in Cardiac arrest. I have to do CPR. Jungkook wheeled the bed inside and I had to straddle the man still doing CPR. I see Yoongi out of the corner of my eye. And that mom. She scoffs and rolls her eyes. I get off and wipe the sweat off my forehead with my forearm out of breath. Yoongi tried to come up to me. He touched my shoulder, but I just brushed it off and walked away. That mom came up to me. "Trying to make yourself look like your working harder isn't working. Maybe you should cut the calories and you wouobe out of the breathe from pretending." I just look down. "I want your parents contacts!" She yells. "I can't do that." "Why not!" "Because it's against the rules to give patients private numbers." "Oh whatever." "Whos your boss!" I give her the number and just leave. Fianlly my shift is over. But I had to stay longer to chart, because Taehyung and Jungkook were going on a date for like an hour. I got home before Yoongi. I take off my uniform. Looking in the mirror. "Parents are right I guess." I sigh. "Guess I'm back to my old diet." I shower and change. I decided to lay down. I hear the door open. "Jimin?" I don't respond. He knocks on the door of my room. "Jimin?" I don't answer. He opens the door a little. I pretend to be asleep. "Jimin I know you're not asleep." "What do you want." "To talk." He says leaning against my door frame. "I don't want to." "Please Jimin." "No." I just groan and get up. Grabbing my keys walking past him. He grabs my wrist, but I yank it out of his grip. "Jimin... don't do this." I don't spare him a glance and walk out. I go to the Taekook couples apartment. Tae answers and sees me. "Can I stay the night for a little?" "Yeah sure." "Thank you." I greet Jungkook and just go to my old room and cry myself to sleep. Did I do something wrong? Did I miss understand something? Am I too fat? Did I just miss see something? Would he actually cheat? With a girl? Those thoughts run through my head. That the mothers words replay in my head. The next morning o go to my apartment to get ready. Yoongi is off. During this I also pack a bag. Yoongi watches from a distance, a pained expression on his face. "Jimin..." He trails. "Yoongi don't. I'm not in the mood." I walk out and leave. I head to work and get ready. My boss talked to me and I explained everything. He didn't care because he knows me. He even tried to reason with the woman and that didn't even work. We get out first call and a pregnant woman went into labor and she had her four your old daughter with her and the father was in America. I learned I knew her and was friends with her in high school. Her name was Grace Wong. And that mom was watching us. The doctors take the mom. I begin to the talk to the crying child. "Why is my mommy in pain?" "Well your mom is having a baby." "Why is it painful?" "Uh well, it just is." She nods, but begins to shiver. "Are you cold?" She nods. I have Jungkook grab me a blanket we had. I wrap it around her. "Can you carry me?" I nod and pick her up. Jungkook called out boss to hold back some of the the calls we would get. "What's your name?" She asked me. "Jimin." "Can you call my grandma?" "I can ask a nurse." She nods. I talk to a nurse and her grandma said she would be there in 30 minutes. Jungkook offered her a piece of candy and she takes it and thanks him. The others talk to her as well. "I want to be like you!" She says. I just smile. The mom finally the mom says something. "No you don't." "Why not?" "Because he's lazy." "He's not lazy he's very handsome. And my mom says, saying things like this isn't nice and that's counted as being a bully." She scoffs. "What's your name little girl." "Lee Simi." "Simi?" She nods. "Well Simi this man isn't a good person." "Yes he is. And you don't know him. Him and my mommy are friends." Simi says. She scoffs. "But that's doesn't mean he hasn't changed." "My mom has told me about him before. He was a famous Idol! And he went to medical school! At one of the best colleges! You can look him up!" She exclaims the last parts. The mother looks at me up and down. She rolls her eyes and walks away. "She wasn't very nice." She says. "Well that's okay, because some people that you meet won't be. But it's important that you are nice okay?" "Okay." She whispered. Soon she sees her grandma and runs up to her giving her a hug. I smile. She comes up and thanks me. I smile and bow. We get a another call and it's around 9:30. It was a car crash. It was a 53 year old man. He was in the middle of a stroke.
~fast forward~
Work is over, I finish charting, and I go back to the hospital to see Grace Wong. I see Simi. She runs up to me and hugs me. She takes me to her room. "Mommy look!" Grace looks up from her baby. "Jimin?"
We talk for a little bit and I give her my number. Then I head home to the Taekook couples house.

~time skip~
I've eaten one meal a day all because of that woman's words. It was my fourth day of work because of overtime. I was at the hospital and I started feeling nauseous and of course, that mom was watching me. When I was walking with a patient. I stop for a minute when the doctors take them. "Woah Jimin are you okay." I just look at him and everything goes black.

Jungkooks POV
Jimin has been acting weird lately. And u think it was something that woman said. But worse. We were taking a patient and the doctors took him. Suddenly Jimin stopped walking. I ask if he's okay, but he didn't respond. Suddenly he faints. People gasp. "Jimin!" I immediately bend down to help him. "Hey! Jimin! Are you okay." He's still unconscious. "I need a gurney!" I yell. "We ran out!" A nurse yelled. "Any open rooms?" "Yeah, room 11." I lift him over my shoulder. I noticed how small his body felt and how light he was. I sigh already knowing. "Tae." "Yeah." I look at him. "No!" He whispered. I nod. "Call Yoongi." I begin to walk to the room. When that damn woman came. "You get what you deserve." She says. "You know what lady. Shut the fuck up. You're the reason this happened. And all you did was bother him. Because you don't understand the rules of the medical field. And you think you know. Well, you don't. And you don't know how much your words can affect people. He's my best friend and an amazing and hardworking person. And for once think fucking positive. And I'm sorry your daughter had surgery but that's not our fault. It's life and shit happens. And I'm sorry, but Jimin is an amazing person." I yell walking to the room. Yoongi came rushing in. "What the hell happened?" "He fainted." "W-why?" "W-we think he's starving himself again." "What!" I nod. "I hope it's not my fault." He says. "What do you mean?" "What happened the other day. With that nurse and what happened. Jimin hasn't talked to me or even looked at me since then." "I don't know. And that's why Jimin tells him about the woman's words. "I'm going to fucking kill her." "Yoongi don't."

Yoongis POV
Why did we have to get into that argument? Soon Jimin wakes up. He gains his conscience. He noticed me. "Why are you here." "Because I still love you, and I care." "You don't seem to care about my feelings." "Jimin....I've been wanting to talk to you, but you've been ignoring me." "I don't want to talk." "Jimin..." "No." I look at the Taekook couple and they nod and leave. "Yoongi can you leave." "Fine. But we're talking tonight. You have no choice. Cause dammit Jimin....your coming home tonight." I sigh and walk out. Apparently Jimin isn't eating. They discharge and have me keep watch. Jimin walks through the door. He goes straight to his room after quickly petting Holly, but before he does I grab his wrist. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yells at me. "Jimin." "NO! LET GO!" I don't want to yell so I don't. "Jimin...What about the promise ring." He freezes and looks down at the ring and a tear falls down his face. "Jimin. Let's talk...please." "Okay." He sighs. We go to the living room. "That surgeon that I was talking too. Well, she was my ex, about 4 years ago. Just know that she broke me again, 4 years ago. She wanted to get back together with me, and I obviously said no, and she wanted to at least be friends, so we were talking. And then when you came out I got a text and I look at the same time, but I realized she tried to kiss me!" "But you saw what happened to me, but you didn't step in, you saw me hurt, but didn't step in! Why! Do you know how much that hurt me!" He raised his voice. "I-I don't know, no..." I reply with a tear falling down my face. "I'm sorry...I'm so fucking sorry Jimin. I-I love you so much. And if you don't want me anymore then-." I get cut off by a kiss, and arms being wrapped around my lower waist tightly all slightly making my shirt rise up a little. I don't kiss back at first because I was shocked. But I kiss back moving our lips in sync. I pull away. "Of course I want you, and I'm sorry that I reacted so badly. I shouldn't have done that. Or yelled." "It's okay." I hug him. "I love you." "I love you too." I make him dinner after our argument and when I set it in front of him.

To be continued...

Sorry I didn't edit it again

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