Chapter 25| Make Me Yours

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Kill me, please.

Jimins POV
Today we are working an overtime day shift. It's only 7:30 AM right now, and we've already gotten a call. It was a 36-year-old woman who was bleeding out of her abdominal area. I try to stop the bleeding, but I end up getting it all over my uniform, and Jungkooks as well. Jin took her, but she ended up dying from loss of blood. I felt bad and it's now only 8. As I was about to leave Yoongi saw me. "What happened? You're covered in blood." "My patient was bleeding from her abdominal." He nods. "Well, I better let you go so you can change out of that uniform." "Alright. I love you." "I look be you too" He replies back pecking my lips. I go back to the station, but there are no extra uniforms and my other one is dirty in the washer at home. I go into the locker room and take off the shirt. So right now I'm sitting in a locker room shirtless with nothing else to put on. Great. I groan and text Yoongi.

Jiminie💜: Yooooongi, they don't have any more uniforms and my other one is in the washer..... :(

Yoongi💕: oh no! is it the jacket or shirt?

Jiminie💜: the shirt, I had my jacket off.

Yoongi💕: I bet I could get you a pair of scrubs and you can just wear the jacket over it.

Jiminie💜: That actually could work. Thank you!!

Yoongi💕: no problem. I can get the scrubs after this check-up and that'll be about 10 minutes is that okay?

Jiminie💜: yeah! By the time you get done, I'll be there because I'm at the station right now and Kook and Tae are fucking in the bathroom again.

Yoongi💕: lol okay see you then. Tell them to hurry up.

Jiminie💜: I will! See you then :)

I sigh putting my jacket on and putting the bloody shirt in a bag. I go to the bathroom door and bang on it hearing moans. "Hurry the fuck up I'm getting some scrubs. Better be out in five minutes." I yell. "Okay cockblock." I just laugh and roll my eyes. After five minutes they come and I'm waiting in the back of our ambulance. I roll my eyes when I see them. Tae gets in the driver's seat, and Jungkook gets in the back with me. We arrive at the hospital, and I meet Yoongi in his office. He greets me with a kiss and hands me the scrubs closing and locking his office door and closing the blinds allowing me to change. I unzip my jacket leaving me shirtless and Yoongi grabs my waist and kisses me pressing me against his desk. "Mmm I-I need to c-change." I try to say into the kiss wishing for more. "Mmm but I want to kiss you." He replies kissing me again running his hand along my stomach. "But we have to work." He sighs pulling away, but his face still in a kissable distance. "Fine. After then." He says "After." I agree. He kisses me one last time allowing me to change. I slip the pair of scrubs over my head and body. The shirt fits perfectly, and of course, he got a tight fit. "You'd be one sexy doctor," Yoongi says. "Mmm, you think?" I reply in a teasing way. "Oooh Yeah." He kisses me again and I thank him and grab my jacket as I walk out the door. I meet the Taekook couple back in the ambulance. "Damn you look good in scrubs," Tae says. "Thanks." I look at the time and it's only 8:30. We get a call 10 minutes after we arrive at the station. It was a pregnant woman who was in a car accident. She was about 37 weeks. In the end, she and the baby were fine but did have to give birth early but it was a healthy baby girl. Five minutes after we get another call and it was a basketball accident. Another one was a little boy had a bad allergic reaction at school. He couldn't breathe and he didn't have an epi-pen. And his parents were on a business trip so his grandparents came. Then one call made me pretty irritated. Someone called and claimed someone was having a heart attack. So we went to the house. There were a few boys only maybe 17. When we arrived they started laughing and also apparently they were recording. In the end, it was a prank so I told them. "That's really not cool. It may seem funny to you guys, but it's not. If you call you to help make sure it's serious because then you waste precious time other people need. You shouldn't be selfish about that even if it's meant for a joke. But don't joke around in situations like this." I then turn around and leave.
~time skip~
Finally, work was over, but we couldn't leave until we finished charting. Twenty minutes later we finish. The Taekook couple and I go out to a small restaurant to eat and I tell Yoongi not to make to much since I won't be there for dinner. I arrive home and take off my shoes and I'm still in my uniform. I lock the door. "Hey love I'm home." I don't hear a response. He must be showering or something. I go to my room to shower when Yoongi stopped me, by pinning me to the wall. I gasp getting caught by surprise. He stops and stares at me for a minute. I get some slightly confused but don't show it. He kisses me and I instantly kiss back used to this. Our lips move in sync. He wasn't joking about wanting to kiss me after work was he. He placed his hands on my waist and redirects me to his room. He closes his door pins me to his door. He pulls away breathing heavily.

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