Chapter 16| What he wants

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Yoongis POV
1. Normal clothes
2. Go outside
3. Get a plushie
4. Cuddle and kiss you
5. Get a book to study or read
6. Have my phone
7. Feel more homie then Hospital

After making his list I smile and kiss him he holds my face and kisses me longer. I pull away and caress his cheek with a find smile on my face. Jimin leaned into the touch probably wanting more. I wrote underneath and say we can make that happen. I take a picture and send it to Taehyung. After a few hours, I leave to go get Jimin what he wants.
I run home to get him some books and clothes, his phone and charger. I buy him a card and more flowers along with a cute plushie.

Jimins POV
Earlier I had a panic attack because I thought I saw him, but I did hit my head a lot so....yeah. I can't talk tho. Also I probably have PTSD now. I will get my mouth clamped again tomorrow.
Yoongi left to go get some things. I sit by myself for a little while and already get extremely bored and stare at the wall and TV with a pout. My mom and dad came in for a little and they staying for a little while and so did some other visitors. Hobi came in while Yoongi was gone and stayed since he wasn't working. While Hobi was in here I also felt safe and he promised to stay. So I fell asleep. I wake up and see an adorable plushie next to me. Gosh, it must be easy to set things up when you're asleep and deaf.

I wish I could smile

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I wish I could smile. I see three books, more flowers and notes, my phone on a charger, a wheelchair in a corner, and clothes next to the plushie. But where's Yoongi. Seconds later he walks out of the bathroom. Shuts the door and the blinds and helps me change. He moves me so my feet are dangling on the side. He takes off my hospital gown which left me in my boxers. He looks at my bruise. I look down and shame when Yoongi lifts up my head and kisses me which makes me feel better. He hands me a new pair of boxers I'll turn around for you but if you need help let me know, and tell me when you're done. I nod and start to change. I was able to change my boxers by myself. To gain his attention I knock my hand on the table next to me. He turns back around and helps me with my pants and then Hobi came back in the room and brought the wheelchair over when I was dressed. Yoongi helped me sit down. He brought a mini oxygen tank as well because I was having a hard time breathing because of my ribs. I put the whiteboard on my lap. Can you wheel me home. 
I write and turn to see Yoongi shake his head no. Paramedic center? Yoongi shakes his head no again. I pout. Please. He still shakes his head no. Why not. Yoongi doesn't mouth anything or write anything but just smiles. Did I do something? He takes me down the street into the library so I can get more books. It was empty so one saw me but the librarian and she didn't mind. I wish I could smile so I put a smiley face on the whiteboard. I found two books and check them out then we go back to the hospital or start to. I want to get something from home. I wanna see what happened. Please. He texts someone and 10 minutes later we were at the apartment building. He wheels me to my room. I get a bag. I put some of my rings on that are special to me. I also grab my diary when Yoongi was turned around. I also put a pair of pajamas in there and makeup to cover my bruises along with makeup remover, and my glasses. I haven't been able to see well because I lost my contacts when it happened. I see things thrown in my closet. I wheel my way to where I was beaten with a trail of blood. The broken vase. The knife. Flashbacks happen. Yoongi taps my shoulder startling me a little and mouths "ready?" and I nod. We leave and go back to the hospital. I still need to tell people what happened. We get to my room and I asked Taehyung to help me with the concealer. He does and I take a picture and post it.

4,372❤️Mini_Mochi: So I haven't been active in a while because I was recently attacked by someone when I was at home with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi

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Mini_Mochi: So I haven't been active in a while because I was recently attacked by someone when I was at home with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi. They were hurt as well, but the person that hurt me really didn't like me. At all. Im in the hospital right now and I'm going to be for a while. I have a broken jaw so it's clamped shut. I can't hear anything, but it should get better soon. A few broken ribs. I was cut a few times on the wrist and thighs, but I am recovering. Mentally I'm struggling, but physically I'm doing better. I did have to have surgery though, but I've gotten a lot of support from the people who have visited me. I'm sorry if I'm not active much, please don't worry too much and I love you all.

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Chimmy28: Omg!!! Get well soon!! Prayers to you!

DancerGirl: Oh no I'm so sorry that happened!! Get well soon!

SweetNSimple: Aw crap! Guess I won't see you at dance class get well soon! Lots of love❤️❤️


YourHope18: get well soon!

Worldwide_Handsome: I'm bringing you things rn!

My heart becomes happy seeing all the support people are giving me. I see Yoongi. You forgot something on the list. He gives me a weird look and pulls out his phone. He smiles and talks to someone on the phone. He comes towards me. He pushes the side down and I scoot over. He sits next to me on the bed and pulls the thing back up, then lays down. We face each other and I cuddle into his chest and he runs his fingers through my hair making me feel safe and relaxed. I look up and I cup his face gently kissing him.
He kisses back. Soon we pull away and I fall asleep and Jin came and dropped stuff off. Just like we would do at home.

Not proofed, but a double update!

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