Chapter 11| A Nice Patient

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Yoongis POV
Jimin and I had to work today. It's around 1 so far and work has been pretty good. I've had two surgeries and I'm currently in a patient's room doing a check-up. She's a nice patient. An older woman who's 85. Jimin brought her in a few weeks ago because she had become really weak. Turns out she has brain cancer. We plan on removing it in three days. "So Mrs. Han-" "Oh please Dr. Min call me Suki." "Sorry...So Suki how are you feeling today." "The same." I nod "So let's skip the boring part, Dr.Min do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend." "Boyfriend." "Ohh wonderful! Can I meet him!"
I nod with a smile. "So tell me about him." "Okay fine, but can I do my check-up." "Yes!" "Okay...His name is Jimin. He's from Busan, he's 23, and a paramedic, and he sings and dances, and about the same height as me." "Oh, that's cute! What about his personality and how old are you?" "Im 25. And he's very charming, funny, kind. It's hard to describe." She smiles and nods in an understanding way. "Are you both bi or gay?" "Gay."
"Ohh two of my grandsons are gay. One has a boyfriend." "But when can I meet him! I want to meet him today!"
"Okay fine how about after his shift is over he stops by?" "Okay." While I was in the room I call him.
"Hey, Jimin I wanted you to stop by right after work. Don't even change just come here. Okay?
"Okay is everything alright?"
"Yeah! I just- er- uh someone wants to meet you."
"Oh okay yeah, I'll be there. Meet at the front door?"
"Okay see you then bye!"

"Do you not love him or something." She Comments. "I do love him I'm just scared to tell him." "Well then man up and tell him. Let him know at least. Even if he doesn't say it back!" I nod and we talk for a little more until I had to go to the next patient.

~Time Skip~
Jimin texted me saying that he was at the front door. I go downstairs and see him. I smile at him and lead him through. A security guard stopped him though. "Sir you can't come the-" I cut him off. "Min Yoongi. He's with me." "Oh, I'm sorry Dr. Min." The security guard apologizes. I nod and lead Jimin to the elevators. In the elevator, there are no cameras. So I take the chance to kiss Jimin, him giving me an immediate response. It was a kiss that lasted 20 seconds. The elevator dinged signaling we are on the right floor. I lead him to Suki's room. I knock and open the door. I have Jimin wait outside for a minute. "Still wanna meet him?" "Who?" "Jimin." "Oh yes yes! I do please!" "Okay." I walk back to the hall where Jimin is. I signal him to come in. "Jimin this is Mrs. Han." "Hello, nice to meet y- Wait for, Han Suki?" "Yup that's me!" "Oh my goodness hi uh Park Jimin!" He bows multiple times. "Oh, Jimin dear it's good to see you.
Gosh, I haven't seen you in years! You've grown so much! You're so handsome!" She opens her arms and Jimin hugs her. I stand there confused as fuck. Jimin sits down and motioned me to come over. I do and sit next to him. "So Jimin this is your boyfriend?" He nods with a smile and holds my hand. "Oh how cute!" He smiles more then changes the subject. "Now serious talk Suki what's wrong?" "Brain cancer, but I'm getting it removed in a few days by your lovely boyfriend." "Well, you can trust him." "Good!" They continued to talk for a little longer and Jimin said he would visit her again. I go and change and come back then we go to the main ambulance building so he can change. Going home right after.
When he walks inside. We change into more comfortable clothes and order takeout because we were both too lazy to cook dinner. Jimin sits next to me cuddled up "That woman is my Grandmas's best friend. She also took care of me basically. Taehyung knows her as well. She and my grandma owned a rice cake shop. Until they decided to join together to make some. They've basically been friends since they were 6 and they are both 85." "Holy shit that's a long time." Jimin nods. We hear a knock on the door and I get up and it's our food. I pay and then call Jimin to the kitchen. We put it on plates and then go back to the couch to eat.
After that, we clean up and cuddle together and he falls asleep. I pick him up bridal style. God, I love him, but how do I tell him.
"I love you," I whisper barely audible and kiss his forehead.

Jimins POV
Holy shit Yoongi said he loves me. He probably thinks I'm asleep. Aw, I wanna say it back. I really wanna say it back and he kissed my forehead after. I soon fall asleep with a smile on my face.

~The next morning~
I wake up to the sound of Yoongis alarm. I turn it off and Yoongi is still asleep. I straddle him and peck his forehead then his nose, his temple, cheeks, and chin. I repeat it a few times. That I didn't notice he was awake until he grabbed my face and kisses me passionately. I smile into the kiss and cup his face as well. We kiss for a good minute and pull away. "Good morning beautiful." He smiles. "Good morning handsome." I smile pecking his lips one more time with a blush on my cheeks. We get up and shower and change, then go ahead and eat breakfast then go to work. After work, I meet with Suki again in my normal clothes. Taehyung comes with me. Tomorrow she has surgery. We brought her, her favorite meal and we ate with her. We talk for a little over an hour and wish her luck and leave. We go back to the apartment and I don't see Yoongi immediately. I walk into his room and run into him almost falling but he saved me by grabbing my wrist. He pulls me back towards him and gives me a quick peck. I smile and change into comfortable clothes. I kinda do my own thing. I study for a little while and accidentally fall asleep on the couch again. Yoongi carried me to bed and kisses me before heading off to do his work again.

This isn't proofread, but I hope you're enjoying this! Thanks for reading!

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