Chapter 12| I love you

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Yoongis POV
Today is Suki's surgery. I prepare for the surgery and Jimin visits her and me before the surgery. When we were prepping her Jimin came in. "Morning Jimin!" "Morning Miss. Suki! You ready?" She nods with a smile. "Morning Yoongi." He hugs me with a bigger smile than before. I kiss the side of his head making Suki smile. "Oh, it makes me happy seeing you two be happy!" We both smile at her with a chuckle. We talk for a little then Jimin gets a page. He wished Suki luck and hugs her and quickly pecks my lips running toward the exit after because of a page. "So cute. And he must be a good team because my house was 30 minutes away they got me here in 10-15 minutes." I nod. We talk for a few minutes and then we take her to surgery after talking to her family as well. I take her into the operating room, prep, and then begin. We put her to sleep and begin officially. I take a deep breath and make the first cut.

~Time skip~
The surgery was a success. A few complications, but nothing too hard. We take her back to her room and I inform her family of the good news. I go downstairs into the emergency department and I see Jimin walk in with a patient that had a metal bar through their head. Yet, the man was still alive. I hurry and go the surgery with Namjoon next to me. A lot of complications. A lot of bleeding and it took hours. Literally hours. He almost flatlined a few times. I'm surprised he's not dead. Honestly. We successfully remove it, but he's going to be in a coma for a few months to recover. I sigh as I wash my hands again. What a day. Two surgeries and it's 3:00. I go back downstairs and see Jimin he smiles at me. We go into the empty elevator together. "Hows Suki and the metal man." I laugh when he said, metal man. "Well metal man with be in a coma for a few months but it's removed and he's alive and in the ICU. Probably going to have some disabilities when he wakes up and gets older, but he's okay. Suki is also doing good. She should have woken up by now." "Good." He smiles and hugs me. "Two patients died. They were with the man. And were construction workers. Apparently, they all fell off a building but the man in the coma had it lucky, and I have to write the reports." I press the elevator stop button. "I'm sorry Jimin." I realized he was crying when I heard a sniffle. I hug him tighter. Gosh, he's just so pure. "Jimin." "Yeah?" "I love you." I feel him smile widely in my chest.
"I love you too." He looks at me and smiles and I wipe his tears with my thumb. "That's the first time we said I love you to each other." I smile and kiss him. "You're right, I like it." He giggles and kisses me again.
"Also have you eaten." Jimin shakes his head no. I sigh and press the start button again and press a different floor. The elevator opens and we go into my office. I give Jimin the other half of my lunch. "Eat." He does as told then gets a page halfway through eating. He groans and kisses my cheek and runs out. "Cute," I mumble. I do some work and check on my patients and such. The rest of the day was literally slow as fuck but exhausting. I check up on people before I leave with Namjoon. We go our separate ways. I walk through the door and see Jimin. I smile and give him a quick peck. "How was the rest of your day?" He asked. "Good. You?" "Not good. I had three in total die. The third was a car accident."
He said. I frown and hug him. "Im sorry."
I say and I didn't get a reply. He started crying. "Aw, Minnie I'm sorry. It's okay." I hug him and rub his back while kissing the side of his head. His heart is so pure. He begins to cry in my chest. I can tell he was holding it in for hours. "The father in the car accident died in front of his 4-year daughter. He lost to much blood in the ambulance. The mom was in a different ambulance. The daughter had a few scratches. Maybe she ended up with a few bruises and maybe two stitches on her forehead. I feel so bad!" He sobs. Aw, this literally breaks my heart. "It's okay, let it out. I got you." I whisper so he can hear me. I start to give him a massage. He cried for another hour almost and falls asleep. I wipe his tear-stained cheeks and carry him to bed. I grab Jimins phone and see he got a text from Taehyung. I unlock it and response.

Taehyungie🐯: Hey Jiminie how are you holding up? Are you okay? I know today was hard.

Jiminie💕: Hey Taehyung it's Yoongi. Jimin is asleep. He's okay now I think. He cried for a little over an hour or so, but I was there to comfort him.

Taehyungie🐯: oh good thank you so much Yoongi. Really if we don't say it we really are thankful to have you and Jimin together it really does make him happy and comfortable. And I'm glad to know if I'm not there you are.

Jiminie💕: really no probably and thank you and I better go stay with Jimin.

Taehyungie🐯: I think I'm going to call in for tomorrow. Our boss doesn't care. He loves us. He's also like Jimins great uncle I guess. Literally tho he loves us. And his wife adores us and is Jimins mom's best friend and my mom's best friend along with Jungkook and we are the best team they have. So kinda can't fire us either way so....idk😂

Jiminie💕: wow talk about favorites, but anyway that sounds good. I think he needs it. He looked exhausted. You all did. I could tell yesterday. He kinda almost fell when he was walking. Looked as if his legs gave out.

Taehyungie🐯: it's amazing how much you catch and admire things, and don't get all doctor on me.

Jiminie💕: don't worry I won't. Anyway, how are you guys holding up? I have leftovers if you want any.

Taehyungie🐯: we're doing good. I mean we're a little upset but we're okay. And we already ate. Thank you tho.

Jiminie💕: no problem

Jiminie💕: But I better go stay with Jimin. Have a good night.

Taehyungie🐯: goodnight!

I go into my room where Jimin is. I plug in his phone and then my own. I do my night routine and go to bed with Jimin by my side. "I love you Jimin," I whisper. Then slowly let sleep overtake me.

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