Chapter 14| Please wake up

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Yoongis POV
I wake up in a hospital room I groan with a sharp pain in my head. "Oh, Dr.Min you're awake!" A nurse said. "Where's Jimin?" "Who?" "Park Jimin. My boyfriend." I say as I get up. "Dr. Min! You have to stay in bed! You got hit in the head pretty hard!" "I'm fine. I'm a Neurosurgeon for God's sake I'll do a scan later." I say as I walk out. I see Jungkook and Taehyung in a room together holding icepacks to their heads with bruises and scratches. I walk in. "What the hell happened to you." "Minjae." "Who?" "His ex." "Oh." "Whatever happened to Jimin isn't good. He's abusive. Always has been. You need to find him." Taehyung said. Shit. I nod and walk out. I talked to a nurse at the front desk. "Oh, Dr.Min you should be in bed!" "No. I'm looking for Park Jimin." She nods and types something on her computer. "He on the Nero floor. And is in surgery." "Which doctor." "Dr.Kim." "Which Kim." "Kim Namjoon."
Oh, thank God. "Also Jimin would be in room 521."
I nod "Thank you." I rush off and hurry and to the floor. I see them pushing Jimin to his room again. So I'm assuming they just finished. Namjoon sees me and says something to the other doctor. He rushes over to me. "Yoongi what the hell happened man." "I-I don't know. Apparently, his ex came but he knocked me out with a damn vase. He also knocked out Taehyung and Jungkook." "Holy shit. And you need stitches." "Yeah, I know How's Jimin."  Namjoon seemed to be hesitant then. He grabs my shoulder and walked me to the on-call room. He sits on one of the beds. "Im going, to be honest. It's bad. It's really bad. His ex really badly hurt him. He actually could have died." It was too much. It was all too much. I lean forward and start to cry into Namjoons chest. He doesn't mind the blood on his jacket. I stop crying and he takes me to another room and gives me stitches and puts a bandage on it. "May I see him." "Uh, I need to check first okay. Stay here." Namjoon was gone for about 5 minutes and came back. He nods and leads me to his room. All it took was one glance at him and my whole world torn into pieces. A tear falls down my face.
I go next to his bed and sit on my knees. I look at his wrist and see cuts that he didn't make himself. It was a stupid torture thing by his ex to probably make him pass out so he can kidnap him. I see bruises everywhere. His face is all bruised and swollen. I was so upset and terrified that I couldn't speak. Namjoon stepped forward. "He has 5 broken ribs and a little bleeding in his brain. That's why he has the surgery. He also has a broken jaw. Also, we had it to wrap everything up. He got a CT as soon as he got here. He's stable though and should wake up in the next few days. His whole body needs rest." "I want to see the CT." "But you can't l-" "Namjoon." He sighed and showed me the scan. "I told it's bad." I don't say anything. I walk out and see the police in Jimins room. They start to question and I explained my side of the story. Soon Jungkook and Taehyung came up and Taehyung nearly fainted from shock when he saw Jimin. Soon his family came and other friends and Jin and Hobi come as well. I open up Jimins Phone. I see his text messages with an unknown number.

Unknown🔘: Park Jimin I'm coming to get you if it's the last thing I do.

Jimin🖤: I'm sorry who's this? And how do you know me?

Unknown🔘: wow Jimin. I thought you were a smart little one.

Seen at 10:01 AM

Unknown🔘: Calling your friends over isn't going to stop me from getting you back

I furrowed my eyebrows. And show the police. They take notes and leave. I sit with Jimin and spend the night and call in. Jimins boss and paramedic friends also visited also Miss. Suki wheeled her way down in a wheelchair. I just sit by Jimins side hold his hand and cry begging him to please wake up. I lift up his gown and see more bruises. I see his thighs have cuts. "Oh Jimin I'm so sorry this happened to you." I cry. I had one job and failed at it. I made a promise and broke it. Everything seemed sad. Even the sky did. It started raining and storming. "I love you," I whisper. I hear a knock on the door and see Jimins mom. "You're Yoongi right?" I nod. She smiled at me. "You're Jimins boyfriend aren't you. The incredibly smart neurosurgeon." I nod. "Well, I'm Jimins mom. I know this isn't a good time but I want to thank you for making my Jimin happy." I smile slightly and more tears fall down my face. She hugs me and rubs my back. "Let it out. I know it's hard. But he's a fighter. He'll be okay." I cry into her shoulder and she lets me. I stop crying. "Taehyung told me you always worry about Jimin and his health and always makes sure he eats all three meals and gets enough fluids in him. And tells me you always make him happy and comfort him when Taehyung couldn't. Just know I'm grateful to have you in Jimins life."
I nod and thank her. We sit in silence. She asked if I could explain his injuries and I do. I show her the scan and show her where he had bleeding. The broke jaw and ribs. And the cuts. I can tell she's staying strong. Holding the tears. I also explained to her that he won't lose his vision, but he may not be able to hear for a few weeks and will be here for a while. I also told her to come to me if she ever needs a doctor and that I'm the chief of neurosurgery. I also tell her about Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok. Jin is chief of peds surgery and also does general. Hoseok is chief of Cardio. We stay in his room. I also meet the rest of Jimins family. They also go visit Suki when I mentioned her.

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