Chapter 29| Criminal

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Bitch I'm watching way too many criminal minds. Honestly, this is a really shitty chapter and doesn't make sense. So IDK. I literally thought of this during math. And it's once again I'm sorry unedited

Yoongis POV
I had just gotten off work before Jimin. I was still in my work clothes when I heard a knock on the door. I answer and see the police holding up their badge also with people who seem to be American. Pretend one agent is fluent in Korean "Does Park Jimin live here?" What the hell? "Yes, he's my boyfriend why?" "We just need to ask a few questions. Is he here?" When they said that I just got a text from him. "No, but he just got off and will be here in about 5 minutes." "Okay, do you mind if we wait?" "No not at all come in." I open the door wider for them and they sit in the living room. "Can we ask some questions about Jimin." I simply nod. "Well first can you speak English." "A little not well though." Also at the same time one of the American officers or what they call the FBI is typing this out on a computer to translate. "Can you tell us about him." "Oh yeah he's from Busan, he's a paramedic, 24 years old, dancer, and a dance teacher on Saturdays." "Okay. And you said he's your boyfriend correct?" "Yes." "For how long?" "Since around the middle of May. So around 6 months." They nod at the things I'm telling them. Suddenly Jimin walked in and immediately a confused look on his face. He comes next to me almost a little behind me and still touching. "What's going on." The police show their badges. "We just need to ask you some questions." "Okay." "So we heard you're a dancer. How many times a week do you dance?" "I dance as much as I can. It depends on what my work schedule is. But I teach classes every Saturday."

Jimins POV
They suddenly show a list of names in my classes. I learned that one of them is missing and the other four were murdered. I was obviously shocked by this. Last Saturday I just thought they were sick or busy the ones who left months ago I thought quit guess not. "What ages do you teach on Saturday. What classes." "I teach a bigger kid class that is around ages 10-12. Then a class of 13-14. 15-16 then 17-19. Then any age adult class that is separate from different things. Also ages 7-9. All at different times. The older people the later the class." Then I'll teach one or two private lessons." I show them a list of the students that I teach. And tell them sometimes I'll help out and that Jungkook helps me teach the younger kids and teens on Saturdays. "Is there a student that is almost like a Perfectionist almost. Always asking how'd they did. In the 17-19 class." "Uh yes, there's one or two," I say showing them the names. "Now Jimin where were you the last week of August." "I was in the hospital." "Why." "I was attacked by my ex-boyfriend." "Do you have proof." "Yeah." "May we see your medical history then or bills. Or your doctor's contact." "Uh..." I look at Yoongi because I don't know where they are. I don't have the bill right now. "My doctor Kim Namjoon and Yoongi were also one of my doctors." "Then we'll look at that later." "What about two weeks ago." "I did a live show and my parents were in town and Yoongi did a surgery on my mom because she has something wrong with her hand so I was here with Yoongi or at the hospital." "What about yesterday morning." I was working. "What's all this though." "We think one of your students has killed and done other things to your students." "O-oh...oh my God." "Did you not notice they were gone." "I-I did I just thought they were sick, on vacation, just gone, or decided to quit. But if you want you can come to my older kid classes this Saturday at 11. You can watch or stay in the office. The office has glass you can see into the studio but in the studio, you can't see into the office." "Alright, I think we'll do that." One of the Americans said in Korean. I guess she fluent and translating." "When's the next time you work." "Monday." "Will you be at the studio anytime before Saturday." "Yeah, I have two private lessons and I'm taking a class with my Friends Jungkook and Hoseok." "What times." "The whole morning. 9-12." They nod. "Can we stop by?" I nod and also tell them the owner's name and everything.
"Thank you for your help. Have a good night." They then just left. I honestly was beyond shocked. A tear falls down my face and Yoongi notices locking the door after. He kisses the side of my forehead. "It's okay. They'll get it taken care of. We're both off until Monday and it's a Thursday." Yoongi hugs me close to his chest. Running his hand through my hair. I calm down. "I have to go to the studio tomorrow and teach a private lesson." "I can come with you." I simply nod. "How about we change, order some food, and watch some TV. Yeah?" "Yeah." We go to his room and change. I wear one of his hoodies and sweatpants. The food arrives 30 minutes later. We eat in the living room watching a movie.

~Next morning~
I wake up and put on some clean sweatpants, and a T-Shirt." Yoongi changes into the same. Also, the dance studio has a recording studio so he'll be there. We arrive and see police cars. Some of them follow us in. Before class starts Yoongi rubs my lower back in comfort. I kiss his cheek then walk into the classroom. I see them talk to the owner and they watch us dance. After I teach a little girl who is about 7. Then an older girl who is 16. When they left. One officer blended in and stayed undercover. I go to the upstairs studio to practice by myself when I see writing in red paint. I gasp and run downstairs to the police. They block off the upstairs so now people can only teach downstairs. For that, I leave with Yoongi.
We go back home and hang out with the others and talk about the whole situation.

~Next morning~
I wake up earlier and the two officers were at the studio to watch. They his in the office. I teach my classes and more police came to watch and see if anything suspicious happens. I was teaching the 17-19 class. When I heard a scream from the back of the class I turn around to see a dancer holding a gun. I gasp and immediately get down like the rest. The police came in and started yelling and everything until he shot the glass next to me. They had to shoot him but he's still alive. He's now at the hospital but arrested. And we no longer have a Criminal. But holy shit. Who knew I would have been teaching a serial killer. I was still a little shaken up but we all had to go home. I tell Yoongi about what happened and he just shakes his head in disbelief.

I know this is a crappy chapter. I really had no idea where this was going. Most of these chapters are just fillers as you can tell. Not really important. I just like writing to them. But really no intention for this. I really had no idea what to write about this. But I wanted something like it. So IDK it's really crappy then normal I'm sorry. I hope you're enjoying the book though.

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