Chapter 22| Back to Normal

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Jimins POV
It's finally been a month and now I can work again and everything. I did have to go to a small class for a week so I can get caught up on things and refresh. But I can go to work. When I arrived at the station there was a small party. After that, we had to work. Sadly this month was night shift and Yoongi was on days. Also, it's October. Almost my Birthday, but I have that off. Jimin and I have the same bday.
We got a call and Tae was already on it. So were Jungkook and me.
I realized I was right the first time. There's normally two. But whatever.
I already feel the rush and excitement running through my veins. We arrive and it was a burning building. We rush a patient in and quickly drive to the hospital. I give some medicine to help with the pain. We arrive and Jin took the woman. My heart races still but is ready for the next one. We have to go back to the fire though to get more patients. Finally, we finish that. Now we're on break at the station. It's 11 PM and I know Yoongi is asleep because he said he's had a tiring day. We go to another patient and it was a pregnant woman who was alone with her three-year-old child. I give the child a sucker and Jungkook helps the mom while I help the screaming child. I was able to get the little boy to calm down. "You are really brave you know that." He smiles and hugs me. "Thank you for helping my mommy." "That's what I do." He smiles and I give him a high five. I give him to a nurse at the hospital. We go back to the station and I know it's really bad but I haven't eaten tonight and I didn't eat the snack Yoongi made because I didn't have time. Also, Jungkook ate it. Well, most of it. Anything for food. I sigh. Jungkook and I do some reports. After I grab a granola bar from the vending machine. But don't get to it from a call. I groan and put it in my pocket. This time it was a drunk driver vs street pole. Not to mention it's 12 AM. In the end, he died. But I finally get to fucking eat. It's now 3 AM and it's been really slow. I get off at 7. But when I get home I need to sleep for work the next night. I don't even get to see Yoongi for another three days. I'm working 3 in a row then one overtime shift. Yoongi leaves me breakfast in the morning then will make a snack that becomes my dinner in the morning as well, but leaves it in the fridge. I'll only get to see him if he's late getting off from surgery or something. But that's rare. Now it's 6 AM. One more hour. I text Yoongi.

Jimin💜: Have a good day at work❤️

Yoongi💕: I'll try. I miss you! I wish I could kiss you :(

Jimin💜: I do too. But when we're off you can as much as you want ;)

Yoongi💕: So far away! But I can't wait. I love you! ❤️

Jimin💜: I love you too!❤️

I sigh as I put my phone away. I miss him. We get one call before my shift ended and it was an older woman who fell trying to hang something in a shop she owns. Finally, my shift ended. I go home and eat. Then shower and go to bed. I wake up at around 3 PM. I get two more hours of sleep. Now awake at around 6. I shower and change and then go to the station. I text Yoongi one more time before my shift starts. Then I put it away ready for the first call.

~time skip~
It's finally my day off. I just got off my shift. I don't even bother to change out of my uniform. I just say goodbye and drive home. Rushing into the apartment. I open the door and the smell of amazing food hit me. I smile and take my shoes off. I hear Yoongi quietly play music and walk around the kitchen. He doesn't notice me nor did he hear me. He's wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt that exposes his collarbone. I sneak up from behind him. I back hug him and kiss his neck with a smile. He didn't even flinch or get startled. He just smiled and moved his head so I have more access. He turns off the stove and turns around. I turn him and gently push him towards the wall near a counter. I pin him to the wall wanting to be a dominant today. I'm slightly taller than him, but barley though. I cup his face and passionately kiss him.
Make out
Our lips move in sync quickly and I grab under his legs and lift him up so he's pressed against the wall and his legs are wrapped around my waist. While he's kissing me he takes off my paramedic jacket and undoes the first layer of my uniform leaving me in a T-shirt and my uniform pants. He throws it where ever on the floor. I get a better grip and move him so he's sitting on a counter. I gently tug on his bottom lip and squeeze his butt making him gasp. I push my tongue in and explore his cavern. His hands starting to lift up my t-shirt. Me pulling away to finish pulling it off. I kiss him again and then I take off his shirt throwing it somewhere. I go from lips to his jaw and neck. Again he moves his head back a little so I have more access. I go to his sweet spot which was on his collarbone making him moan quietly. I smile and suck in it a little and nibble on it as well. Leaving a dark purple bruise there. I decided to leave light on his neck. I go and kiss him again on the lips. Trailing my hands to his waist. Slightly tugging on the waistband. "Mmm not yet." I nod and kiss him again pulling away. I feel his freshly made art and smile. "I love you."
"I love you too." He replies.
End of makeout.
I kiss him one last time and help him down from the counter. He finishes breakfast. We eat and then we basically sleep cuddling each other for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I will also go dancing class and everything will be back to normal.


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