Chapter 21| Addressing a Problem

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Kinda a boring chapter. A quick recap of the attack and also more about Yoonmin. I would still read but you also don't have to.

Jimins POV
I completely almost forgot about what Yoongi told me. About how he told me people think he hurt me. I got a reminder when I was was tagged in something on Instagram when someone asked if Yoongi secretly hurt me. Also, no one knows his name either. So later on today I will be addressing a problem that shouldn't have even started. But really it upsets me that people would think Yoongi would hurt me when they don't know much about him. I also don't want my fans or new reports to try to hurt Yoongi and I's relationship. I love Yoongi with all my heart and would do anything for him. Yoongi is currently at work and it's around 6 PM. A lot of people are off work now. I will do a life later, but right now I will just post about it on Instagram and Twitter. They'll be the same thing.

5,328❤️Mini_Mochi: Everyone, as you all know I've been in the hospital and I also have a boyfriend

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Mini_Mochi: Everyone, as you all know I've been in the hospital and I also have a boyfriend. So yes I am gay. I am posting and soon to be live to address a problem. I have seen that one you don't know his name and two you all think that he is the one who put me in the hospital. I can definitely tell you he did not. It was another person who in my past life didn't like me at all. And I cannot say who. Just know and I promise it was not him. His name is Min Yoongi and I know that he would never hurt me in any way, shape, or form. I can promise you. We both love each other very much and both trust each other. As you know I am a paramedic. Well, he is a Neurosurgeon. I can tell you more about him when he gets off work to do a live with me. I will also talk more about this situation in the live. Also yes I will keep the live and post it on YouTube for those who miss it. It will be at 8 PM tonight. And I will explain a lot there. Thank you.

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Chimmy28: what's going on?

Pjiminie: I'll be there! I love you!!!!💜💜💜💜

MiniJiminie: I'm confused? What's happening? Who hurt you then? Do we know him?

Jiminie_Mini: Yoongis so cute! Such a cute couple! Aw!❤️

DancerGirl: I'm sorry you're going through this!

Yoongi soon gets home from work. He kisses me to greet me and got me a little food since we're holding dinner back a little bit for this live (I feel like I'm spelling this wrong). It was almost 8 and I start to set up a little bit for the live. I also fix myself up a little bit and mentally prepare what I want to say. I wore my paramedic shirt, with some sweatpants. I also wrote down important things to say. Like little bullets or dots of important things. Yoongi also prepared a little. For some reason I become nervous. I don't think much of it though because well it's just a live. I will do the first half without Yoongi because I will basically be explaining what I said on the Instagram post. Then Yoongi will join and I'll explain what happened that day and then we'll talk a little about us. Before I start the live. Yoongi gives me a kiss for reassurance and then a quick hug with some helpful words of "You got this." Before getting out of the screen and starting it he kisses my forehead then goes behind the camera. I press the live button as soon as it hit 8:00. I sit for a minute and let power join saying hello every once and a while. Once enough people are on I take a deep breath and begin.
"Hello everyone. As most of you saw my recent post from earlier I am here to discuss three things. First I am going to talk about what I basically talked about on the post. Second I'll explain what happened that day. Third Yoongi and I can push it aside after and we can talk to you guys and you can ask us questions."
After saying that I take a sip of water and take another breath looking at Yoongi. He gives a small nod.
"Alright. So yes, again. I do have a boyfriend. His name is Yoongi. We were there when it happened but I'll explain that part later. Anyway, we both started to notice some things people are posting and saying. There are rumors that Yoongi was the one who hurt me. Others say it was fake. I can definitely tell you it's not fake. I have three witnesses that where there. And when I got to attack those other three people got hurt as well. But I can promise you. Yoongi did not hurt me. He would never hurt me ever. No matter what. I learned that he would stay by my side no matter what. We also both love each and we would never do that ever. It was a person from my past who had hurt me before but just came back for me one last time. Yes, that person is now in jail for life. For personal and other reasons I can not say who hurt me, and what they did in the past, but just know it was a really messed up thing. But I'm okay now. I'm healing. My work friends and Yoongi are taking care of me. As well as my family, but right now they are in Busan. I promise you though. I am in good hands. Now I will go onto the second part."
I take a sip of water and Yoongi comes and sits next to me and waves at the camera. Under the table, he also holds my hand and gently squeezes it as reassurance.
"The day of the attack. Yoongi was at work for a half-day and I had gotten a text from an unknown number. So I felt uncomfortable and I had Jungkook and Taehyung come over. Later that day Yoongi got off work. And the four of us hung out for a little. That was until a knock on the door happened. Yoongi answered. And the person who hurt me was looking for me. I already knew who it was. So did Tae and Jungkook. Jungkook warned Yoongi about the attacker. I went and hid and Taehyung went into my room as well. Yoongi tried to make the attacker leave, but he knocked Yoongi out with a vase. The man came into my room and asked Taehyung where I was and he said to him I wasn't there also Taehyung was on the phone with an operator for the police. But the attacker still made Taehyung pass out. The attack then hit Jungkook and got him. The man found me and pulled me from where I was into the living and started to beat me. And I won't get into any details but it was severe. The man got a knife and started to cut me on my wrist and thighs. He also said some things to me. The last thing I then remember is seeing the police then I blacked out. I went to surgery. Also, Namjoon did my surgery and was my doctor. I had 5 broken ribs and a little bleeding in my brain. That's why I had the surgery. I also had a broken jaw. And some other things like a sprained ankle and wrist. They got me a CT and saw those things. I got injured so bad I couldn't hear. Also, I was in a coma for a little. But I woke up not long after. But that did give I guess my body a little extra time to rest. Then I couldn't talk because my mouth was clamped shut with braces so my jaw could heal. I got my hearing back first. Then I got the jaw unclamped and everything. Also, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Tae are all okay. Yoongi had a few stitches. They all got about a week and a half off of work. Now the third part!"
I sigh and take another sip of water. Yoongi rubs my thigh gently making me feel more relaxed.
"Now we can talk about us and you guys can ask a few questions about us."
I note the first few questions I see.
1. How did you guys meet?
2. Does he know about your career before you became a paramedic
3. What is Yoongis job, name, and age?

"Alright, I noted three questions so far. First is How did we meet?" I look at Yoongi and let him answer.
"Well I was looking for a new roommate and Jimin saw it and texted me and asked if it was still open and everything. But the first time was that morning. I was heading to work and there was a car accident and Jimin and the other two were the first responders. And I did see Jimin around in the hospital every once in a while, but never got the chance to actually talk to him." He smiles. "Alright next question was Does he know about your career before you became a paramedic?...yes he does and actually fun fact. He likes to produce music in his free time as well and he raps!" He smiles with a nod at my response. "Now the third one is what is Yoongis job, name, and age?" I allow Yoongi to respond to that."Well, I am a Neurosurgeon. Chief of Neurosurgery. My full name is Min Yoongi, and I am 25 years old." I read through more Comments and see some compliments and nice things and also some more questions. We respond to a lot of things then bid out goodbyes and end it. When we were fully sure it was off. We put it down and Yoongi cups my face and kisses me. "You did good Minnie." He says. I smiled kissing him one more time. "You did too."

Not fully edited

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