Met by a ghost

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The young boy held his arms up in defence. The dark luminous figure stopped in his tracks, A large smile spread across his face, his pearly whites giving more life to the red marks travelling up his cheeks. "Go to sleep," He purred as he crept forward slowly. "Make me your Apprentice," The boys plea's to become a murderer made the Man stop and think, could it be so bad. Another to kill after the world become too vast for all to be put to sleep. The man straightened and nodded his head as he walked out slowly, the boy loping behind like a young pup. Moments after the pair left the small house the boy turned to the man, a playful smile tipped his lips. "So Jeff, what now?"


Hewo my to be readers. Hehe, now I luv the concept of Mr Jeff (Aka) Jeff the killer. So in my haste I have decided to attempt a Jeff fan-fic. I believe this intro and the title give you a good idea of the plot, however all else is to be discovered. I wish for you to enjoy, and please tell me if anything I write is hard to read or understand.
So please...


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