"Your name is-?"

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(If y'all are wondering about the picture, I gotta set the mood)

Your POV

I was currently sitting on one of my sofas shirtless (I had given my shirt to help blake cover up ,and. Seeing as I was 6'4" my giant shirt easily covered her up) holding an ice pack to my head and looking grumpily at the two embarrassed parents before me. Blake was on the sofa next to me getting ready to spring into action if anything went wrong.

"Mr Irons, perhaps we got off won the wrong foot..." the father (who I was told was named Ghira) says, shame in his voice. He and Blake's mother were sitting on a sofa opposite to me and Blake's, with the poor kindling that was once my coffee table in the middle.

"More like head..." I mumble under my breath rubbing the ice pack on my head. Kali (Blake's mom) shakes her head.

"What my husband means to say is that we're so sorry, We were just so unhinged when we found out our daughter was attacked" she says embarrassed. I wasn't even mad at the fact that he punched me, it was nothing a tonic couldn't fix. I was more mad at the fact that he destroyed my fucking coffee table!

"Listen, high leader, I forgive you, but could you at least pay for my coffee table please?" I ask in the nicest way possible. Their faces light up.

"Of course, but could we stay a little while to catch up with Blake?" Kali asks. I just shrug.

"Sure, I'd offer you tea, but we'd have no place to put it" I say making another jab at how these assholes barged in and murdered my innocent coffee table. Kali giggles.

"Wow, you must really have loved that coffee table huh?" She asks. I just shrug it off

"Well it was made out of real wood and was finished with fine varnish, which is not easy to come by these days" I say emotionless. Suddenly a hand sticks out handing me a 150 lien bill.

"This should cover it" Ghira says. I take the money and snap my fingers teleporting it to a safe place.

"Thanks, but seriously, do you want tea?" I ask with a slight chuckle. The parents faces lighten.

"Yes please!" They both say in unison with happy smiles on their faces. I look at Blake who just nods still embarrassed that I was meeting her parents like this.

I walk to the kitchen and turn the kettle on, grabbing three mugs and the box of tea bags. I could hear Blake nervously converse with her parents as they asked questions about me

Suddenly I'm taped on the shoulder. I turn around to see one of the guards. It was a female with black cat ears and slightly dark complexion.

 It was a female with black cat ears and slightly dark complexion

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I hum as to ask what she wants.

"I'm sorry to bother you, my name is Lyla, I'm a commander in the Menagerie guard, I would like to ask you a few questions" she states in a formal tone. I finish setting up the mugs and grab the milk out of the fridge. I then turn her way leaning on the counter and crossing my arms.

The truth is what you make it(Rwby x BioShock! male reader)Where stories live. Discover now