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*knock, knock* I hear over and over in a rhythm until someone finally goes and opens up the door. We knew we were expecting The Marleau's and sure enough it was them.

"Mitch and Auston are in the game room waiting for you guys" I tell the boys and then which they run off. It now just leaves Christina, Will, and I since Patrick ran off too.

"You know I hate surprises and I hate when you get me gifts!"
"It's a good one, don't worry." Will sures Christina who is hesitant.

There was a huge box with a blue heart balloon sitting on the kitchen island where no one could miss it.
Will sets my phone up on the kitchen counter so he could get this moment of all of us.

"Why are you videoing this?" She asks in her scared and nervous voice as she spots him setting up the 'hidden camera'.
"Open it." I don't ask her to, I inform and tell her to.

She moves the red roses off of the top of the huge gift box and the balloon goes up to the ceiling, inside was another box... trust me, this isn't one of those pranks.
She looks at both Will and I and gives us an eye roll, thinking it's an empty box. She brings out the other box that was inside and takes out a photo frame with the photo in the middle from the last ultrasound with this on it:

'I'll be here soon
There is no doubt,
I need a godmother
To help me out,
My parents think
You'll do just fine,
So I'm asking
If you'll be mine?'

The last of the gifts was a necklace with a little something that goes with it too,

 She brings out the other box that was inside and takes out a photo frame with the photo in the middle from the last ultrasound with this on it:      'I'll be here soon      There is no doubt,      I need a godmother      To help me out,      My p...

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When Christina had read and opened up the two gifts for her, she looked at us, gave us huge hugs and cried. Happy tears though because she told us yes she would be our child's godmother.
"Yes! Oh my goodness. This is the best ever, no doubt I want to be the godmother of your guys' child. No way in the world would the word no even cross my mind. Thank you both for thinking of me and asking me this, it means so much." Were her exact words.

She was so excited, she had to go in right after to tell the guys who didn't care because they actually already knew and they were playing the Xbox so they wouldn't pay attention to begin with.

For the rest of the night, I went to Wills, where I soon will be moving into. We know life is moving right along for us in such a fast pace so we're going to be taking the next step and that is moving in with each other, but in an actual house, not an apartment. Lately, we have been house hunting online but haven't went to look at one in person. Patrick offered to sell their house to us for a really good deal but for right now, it's too big for us and not where we want to be.

It's been 3 weeks since I have had that amazing moment with Christina by asking her to be my child's godmother. She was so ecstatic about it and I couldn't be anymore happier with anything about this whole pregnancy thus far. They have been moved out of Canada for almost two weeks now and they are already moved all the way in now to their San Jose home. It's been hard on the kids but I have heard they made new friends at school and they are going to be living back at their house in Toronto in the summer so after all, they aren't going to sell the house.

I have finally reached my second trimester!

"So, Teagan... you are carrying a nectarine around in this stomach of yours. That's what your baby is the size of at 14 weeks. Baby is growing more and more everyday and looking healthy as you are. Keep doing what you're doing" my doctor told me as I was getting my check up.

To know the baby's gender, we have to wait between 16 and 20 weeks. I am very impatient and just want to have the party already to find out!

Today I was at the appointment by myself which is usually how it goes because Will always has morning practice or on the road the days of my appointments. He tries to come to many as he can of course, but I understand- that's his job.
The thing I am mostly happy about is that we don't really have to worry about hockey around the time the baby is going to be born because it will most likely be in August. Hockey camp won't start until late August/ September.
That was the one thing I was scared about- him not being there for the birth.

The leafs have a game tomorrow (Wednesday), and have a bye week which means we finally get to take our baby moon. This will be the last month I am allowed to be flying according to the doctor so it all works out well.

For the baby moon, Will surprised me with a trip to Milan, Italy which is such a beautiful place with delicious food, relaxing vibes, and amazing views.
We're only going to be there for a couple days but we will sure make everything worth it. It's a time to spend together and relax before the best gift comes and blesses you in life.

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