Chapter 20

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Turns out the trip is going to be extended for an entire week instead of 3 days.

So Niall has been non stop working with Katy Perry since the day he landed. He literally checked into the hotel, showered, and went straight to the studio.

But it's all worth it. Katy Perry has talked to Niall about the song and they decided to keep the song upbeat.

So, since then, they've been trying to figure out a good beat to go along with the lyrics and start recording.

It's Wednesday afternoon when Niall finally gets a break since 7 a.m.

He leans back in the chair and taps on his iMessages.

"Niall, please come home sooner. Kthanksbye xx." Reads Ella's message.

With everything going on, they haven't had the chance to have a proper conversation. Mostly texts are traded between them.

"Ella, please tell me you're not working right now." He types and clicks send.

He looks around the studio and sees he's by himself. Katy has gone outside for fresh air and her producer went out for lunch. So he should be along for a good 30 minutes.

"No, I'm back home, see?" And he clicks on the attachment and sees a photo of Ella holding a cup of hot chocolate.

"Aw, I spy a hoodie or sweater so Im guessing you're cold. Nice looking cuppa!" He replies and watches her the three dots appear on the message.

"Yeah, my blanket won't be back for a couple of days. :( have you spoken to Louis about our trip?"

"Don't worry, it will be coming with cuddles! And yes, he said we leave next Monday and have the entire week off until Saturday. Bora bora is our destination."

When Niall first told Louis about the holiday, he was a bit suspicious as to why a private holiday suddenly. Niall lied and said it'd be good for publicity.

"Sweet! Can't wait! Call me babe ;( or FaceTime!!" Ella replies.

Niall looks around again before pressing the button for FaceTime. He waits as the video call rings.

"Niall!" He hears Ella before he can see her.

"Hey! Can hear you, but can't see you." He fixes his hair and yawns.

"Oh sorry!" And as soon as she said that, she appeared on his iPhone's screen. "Hiiii!"

"There we go," he stands from the chair and stretches. "Mmmm! I'm so tired!"

"I bet! Non stop since you got there." She sips her drink. "Mmm, I had a long day too. I think I had like 5 orders to do today."

"Damn," he walks over to the couch and lays down. "I seriously can't wait for bed. I can literally fall asleep right now."

Ella wipes her mouth with the sleeve. "Hmm, why not take a nap instead of face timing?"

"Because," he says and puts a pillow behind his head. "I want to."

Ella rolls her eyes and leans against the headboard. "I wish you were here."

"I know Ella," he says. "Soon. Okay?"

She pulls the blanket up to her chest and sighs. "But it's not the sammmeee!"

He laughs and rubs his eye. "Deal with it babe. Anyway, Louis sent me an email earlier. He said when we go on our holiday, we might be papped. He said because it's been a while."

"All right." She says. "I was wondering..."


"Well, I actually spoke with an old friend from university today. We used to be ️Partners when we had theater together. She's having a party today for her husband. And she invited me-"

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