Love Story (Yena x Reader)

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Song: Stella Jang - Love Story
Genre: Fluff for a duck
Reminder: Well, a right amount dose of UwU is injected in this story.

Yena's POV

"Kids! Settle down. We have a new student coming to our class. Please enter." Mr. Seokjin said. The new student enters and he looks... VERY HANDSOME!!!

"Hello everyone. I'm Jang Y/n. Please take care of me." He bowed. Oh my goodness. Every inch of him is perfect from the bottom to the top. He's my ideal type. Then, I felt somebody nudge me.

"Hey, Yena-ya. He's pretty handsome, isn't he?" Hyewon said as she crossed her arms.

"100%..." I am completely fallen for him.

"Oh gosh, she's starting it again." Hyewon shook her head and continued focusing on the teacher.

"So, Jang Y/n. A very handsome name but I'm more handsome because I'm worldwide handsome." Then, all the students felt disgusted.

"Ah, teacher please..." One of the students whined.

"Alright alright. Fine. Y/n, please take your seat beside Yohan." Mr. Seokjin said. Wait... beside Yohan is also beside me! What a lucky me!!!

"Thanks, teacher." He walks to his seat and sits down.

"I'm Kim Yohan. Nice to meet you." Yohan said.

"I'm Jang Y/n. Nice to meet you too, Yohan." He said. Ohhh his voice. His deep voice. He turns and looks at me.

"I'm Jang Y/n. Nice to meet you..." He reaches out his hands for a handshake.

"Yena! Choi Yena!" I happily shake his hands.


I just stare into space... and think back about my handshake with Y/n...

"Unnie!" I was startled.

"Ahh, Yuri-ya! What do you want?" I said.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You're in love, right? With that new guy. I heard he's soooo handsome." Yuri said.

"He is..." As I was talking he arrives and sits at the table beside us. He's with Yohan and Hangyul.

"Unnie unnie! Isn't that him? The new guy? He's really handsome!!!" Yuri said.

Jang Y/n. Whenever I think about you, you make my heart flutter and tremble. Thick traces of you, one by one. It settles into my heart and they won't leave.

You came to me like destiny. I want you forever. I don't wanna lose you. I want to start our love... Suddenly, somebody pinched me.

"Ow! Who the heck is that?" I asked angrily.

"It's me, why?" Yuri said with a disgusted face.

"You-" I was cut off by her.

"Whoa whoa, don't shout. He'll hear." And she sticks her tongue out. URGHHH THIS KID. After recess, we go back to each other's classes.

As I was walking back to class, I suddenly bumped into somebody. I looked and it was... HIM!

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I bowed so many times to him.

"No no no. It's okay. I'm alright. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm completely fine."

"I'm glad to hear that." Then, I hear a shout from behind.

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