Epilogue Part Three

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The namekians were all sitting down, watching Jay's annual funeral through their own screen. It was being broadcasted throughout the entire universe.

Mae walked up to the Elder Namekian. "Are you the Elder?" She was trying her best to control her anger.

"No, but I am old, if that's what you mean," the namekian responded.

"Where is the Elder? I need your dragon balls." Mae cut straight to the point.

"We don't have an Elder, and why do you need the Dragon Balls?" the namekian asked.

"So I can bring him back," Mae pointed at the screen.

"Why? And even then, you can't," the namekian told her.

"Why not? Porunga should be able to!" Mae was becoming more frustrated.

"Who's Porunga?" The namekian seemed confused.

"Whatever your Dragon is called." Mae was so close to breaking down. "The Namekian Dragon should be able to bring him back."

"No, our dragon can't. Jay has died too many times to be resurrected," the namekian solemnly explained.

"Damn it. Damn it. Damn it." Mae fell to the ground.

"Why do you even want to bring him back?" the namekian proceeded with another question.

Mae held back the tears. "Because it's my fault he died. Grand Zen-oh was my friend. I should have told them to let Jay go home. Just to end her and let him go home, but I didn't!"

"And that's why you're wrong. You're doing this out of guilt... not because you actually knew him and understood the impact he made on others. You're handling this the wrong way," the namekian replied.

"I'm handling this perfectly fine," Mae snapped. "Finding a way to bring him back is the right thing to do. It's for his wife, for his family. It doesn't matter why I want this done."

"It does matter... and even then, bringing him back would just make things worse. Way before this all happened, Jay accepted his death if it ever came, even if it would be so soon. Now... he just wants to rest in the clouds since his journey is over," the namekian stated.

"This is stupid," Mae scoffed.

"It's because you only know ten percent of the story," the namekian told them before staring back at the screen.

Niya remained silent, since it was not her place to say anything about Jay. Mae and him spent a year together, so it made sense that Mae cared for him.

The namekian read Niya's mind, "Even then, a year isn't much to get to know anything about Jay." Niya shifted uncomfortably at the statement. "What do you two even know him for?" the namekian asked.

"Jay trained me," Mae stared at the ground.

"And what else? Or is that... You only know him for his fighting?" the namekian asked.

"I thought we were friends, but he made it clear that we weren't," Mae shook her head. She didn't want to tell them everything he helped her through in the Time Chamber.

"His showed us his past," Niya added.

"He didn't see you as a friend because you made it look like you only appreciated him for his fighting ability and not because of who he really was inside... without his strength. The only compliment or sign of friendship you ever gave to him was, 'Wow, you're strong'. And we all know his past, he's told us all... but I bet he only showed you what has happened on the battlefield," the namekian answered. "And not the problems he's had outside of that terrain."

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