Preference #1

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#1. Your building finding out that you, an inmate, is really a girl. 

You are Number 7

Building 3 (Kiji, Honey and Trois: 

"WhaaAAAATTTTTTTTT?!" The sound that comes out of Kiji's mouth is akin to an airhorn. A very confused, surprised airhorn. Quickly, although you know the cats out of the bag, you fling the bra that you had just carelessly, stupidly, taken off in the presence of your supervisor who had no idea you were female, somewhere behind you, feeling embarrassment crush you. 

How could you be so dumb? How could you do something to freakishly stupid??! Idiot, idiot, idiot. You feel the overwhelming urge to smack yourself, but resist and just flash Kiji a big, cheesy smile.   

You were just so relaxed!! Just chatting with Kiji as he dropped you off back in your cell after some training, and you had just... done it! You had unclipped and slipped that stupid bra out from your shirt t-shirt sleeve. Oh god, oh, god, oh god! What is wrong with you?! 

"You're a girl!?" Kiji sounds like he just found his father dressed up in a big red suit in the his living room at midnight on the 25th of December. 

"Aha... no?" You cringe. "I just... enjoy... wearing a bra?" 

Your flamboyant supervisor's purely shocked expression calms down into one of disappointment then as he holds his hips an looks down on your from his towering height. Its usually only a foot or 2(Depending on how tall you are. He's 6'1"), but right now it looks like 30. 

"Are you going to tell the warden?" 

"Well, I hav-" Half way through the 'have to' part that you dread, Kiji cuts off and looks a little more softly at you. Feeling sorry. "... not yet. But we will have to have a long talk, and you will explain this to me. Understood?"

A deep breath relief comes out of you. "Really, Kiji?? Thank you!" 

"Yes, yes... " 


Later that day, you're just riding on your relief and happiness that your... mother, like, figure -friend?? You don't know how to refer to him. He's your supervisor and guard, so... - hadn't immediately kicked you out of the prison, you forgot to hide the bra somewhere. 

So imagine the surprised reaction you got when Trois and Honey were permitted to visit you and saw the thing still laying boldly in the corner. Goddamn. You couldn't have picked a pink coloured one today, so it blended into the floor?? No! You just had to wear blue! 

Cursing yourself in your mind, you quickly try to explain to them what that's about. "It belongs to my girlfriend-ehhhh," You trail off hopelessly. You've known these two for over a year now, they know you don't have a girlfriend! Besides, you're in prison. "My moth-oh, noooo... " You trail off again, and feel the weight of Honey and Trois' suspicion grow heavier on your shoulders. 

"Were you about to say your mothers?" Trois asks, thoroughly mystified but hiding it well under the disguise of charisma and politeness. 

"No!" You exclaim, embarrassed and lost for the right words. Oh god, you've dug yourself a hole now... Giving up, you sit down on your bed and cover your eyes. You take a deep breath, near tears. "Its mine... " 

"Yours?? What do you need a bra for-" Honey cuts off, possibilities clouding his mind. So, either you're a pervert, not that either of them could say anything against it, or... 

Suddenly things that didn't quite add up before, start to make sense as the two of them stand there and think. You never wear anything that shows more then your arms below the elbow, much less go without a shirt at all, you get cramps at a certain time of month -something Trois had teased you about before, as he'd realised your stomach aches always happen around the same time of month. Like a period.-, you never, under any circumstances get changed around them... 

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