Chapter 41.)

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It was going on 7:30 in the morning, the family was still in the waiting room, tired, hungry and in dire need of comfort.

The hospital they were at, none of the Nurses spoke English nor wanted to be of any help. Nate took it upon himself to walk throughout the building in search of Gunna while Jenna and August did their best to use Google Translate.

"I'm hungry as hell," Q groaned slouching in the seat.

"There's a McDonald's around the corner," Skylar replied and he perked up.

"Let's go, bitch, because I know they serving breakfast,"

Laughing, Skylar stood up and stretched then turned to Trina, "You wanna come?"

"I'll stay here,"

"I'll drive," Lil Nate said after tapping Gabby to get up.

"Come on lil pretty boy, feed us," Q snickered before skipping out the hospital.

"Gotta find joy in everyting, gotta respect dat," he said before grabbing Gabby's hand and headed out behind Skylar.

        "You wanna see if we can help big dawg find Gunna?" Nell asked looking over at Trina.

        Seeing that Jenna and August were still struggling with the nurse she nodded standing.

        "If anything, I'm sure Sebastián played his hand in this,"...

   After arguing with many Nurses and Doctors, Nate was able to locate Gunna up on the 3rd floor. They signed his discharge papers for him to get out of there and forced a Doctor to give them everything they needed to keep Gunna sedated.

        He was in a mild coma due to the amount of blood he lost, he also had to have surgery and the Doctors had to cut him open on his lower right side because the bullet that went into his shoulder traveled, but thankfully didn't hit any of his major arteries.

        By 11:30 they were back at the hotel, packed and checked out by 12:15 and got on their jet by 12:45, that was after Nate left a message at the front desk for Sebastián.

        Gabby was sent pictures of Courtney back in Georgia tied up to a chair but surprisingly untouched... for now. Once they touched down in the states, Nate Jr. August and Nell were going to look for her, while Nate and Jenna got Gunna to their place where the Nurse, Trina called would be waiting.

        The family was exhausted, angry was an understatement and felt as if they were just being downright disrespected. Once they got their current situation handled, there was definitely gonna be hell to pay.


        By 3 a.m. they landed and everyone headed their separate ways ready to catch some type of sleep and forget about the crazy last day and a half they had.

        Sky and August weren't speaking and she decided to give him some space and time to cool off. She went ahead and slept in the extra bedroom while he slept in theirs as he got deep in his thoughts.

        She had time on the jet to understand why he was so upset with her and she understood it, she noticed her first pregnancy symptoms a week before the trip but she chose to ignore it but she still had a hunch about it that she was possibly pregnant which was why she wanted to tell Jenna about it on the jet.

        She knew she played a dangerous game and put herself in a messed up situation, anything could've happened to her. She knew firsthand that whenever they went to a place they weren't familiar with it would most likely turn into a fight or shoot out.

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