After the community (Presley flashback) Part One

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Presley walks soaking wet down the path side by side with Konnor as she stares forward in shock. Konnor doesn't speak to her but they get to a gate and stop at the entrance. The gate opens and she walks slowly in and follows Konnor quietly. She comes to a stop eyeing the man around her age with his back turned staring out a large glass window. He has black hair, dark an I wearing cargo pants, a long dress tyle jacket. The man turns and Presley catches his bright blue eyes and he speaks softly.

"so what happened?"

Presley stares forward hearing the screams of her friends and hears Konnor.

"they were attacked..."

"attacked?" she hears he concern in the man's voice and Konnor breaths out a low reply.

"yeah attacked."

Presley stares off sill thinking about everything that happened but flinches feeling a warm hand placed on her upper arm.

"You alright?"

she remains quiet and the man smiles kindly to her as he pulls out a chair.

"have a seat. you've been through a lot."

Presley sits slowly in the chair and the man leans against his desk and crosses his arms. he slowly brings out his hand extending it to her as he smiles at her.

"mason, mason Reid. it's not much but your welcome to stay. we have food, water, beds, electricity well for now."

Mason shrugs his shoulders and stares down Presley.

"It isn't easy. I don't know how long we will have it all but we will keep working for it and keep surviving."

"everyone's dead-"

"not you"

Mason bends down staring up into Presley's eyes and brushes her hair out of her face.

"What happened at your community it was unfortunate."

"Konnor saved me."

"did he?" mason says it sounding like he doesn't believe her words but stiffens not showing her he knows the truth.

 "that's good he did" Mason nods to her and she smiles to him but he glances up making eye contact with Konnor.

Konnor shuffles his feet and mason motiosn to him.

"why don't you leave s alone I have to explain some stuff to Presley then you can help her settle in."

"yeah..." Konnor shifts his eyes to the floor and walks off exiting the roo. he turns shutting over the two doors and Mason tays crouched down I front of Presley.

"I'll send a team out to collect the bodies we will find a nice spot in an open field and you can say some words to remember them/"

"you don't have to do that put your people at risk and go there."

"I want to its the right thing to do Presley ad we w have to try and do the right thing when we can. do you agree?"

Presley remains quiet and Mason nods to her.

"it's okay if you don't know the answer it took me a while to now it. I can still be a selfish prick sometimes we all can no one's perfect. I'm sure your not perfect are you?"

Presley hugs herself thinking about Konnor and her ex-fiance and looks up to Mason making eye contact as she begins shaking and replies as she feels herself start to cry.


Mason rubs her arm showin her comfort as he whispers to her.

"it's okay no one's perfect but we can make up for the bad stuff we do." 

Presley watches mason take out a small handkerchief and holds it out to her.

"go ahead."

She takes it and eyes the initials on it and looks up to Mason as he comments.

"belonged to my mother she ue to use it when I would cry as a kid. she'd give it to me when I was scared, it made me feel safe when I was alone."

Mason stares off thinking about his mother and shakes his head brining himself back to reality as he tares down the woman and nods to her.

"I want you to keep it"

"me?" Presley stares the man down confused as mason smirks at her as he nods to it.

"it will take you a while to feel safe again maybe it will help you."

"what about you?" Mason smiles to her as he comments.

"nice of you to worry but I got this place, friends, family, food, shelter, people I can really trust. you're alone right now not sure if you can trust us yet. I want you to take time and make sure you feel right here. if you don't you can give me that back and leave but if you stay why don't you hold on to it for me."

Mason takes the handkerchief and wipes some of her tears away as he whispers to her.

"i can promise if you stay Presley you will feel safe again"

She holds the handkerchief in her hand and Mason rubs her arm as he comments and motiosn to the closed door.

"konnor's probably outside waiting for you. he can show you to a free room, take a shower, wash up then you can join us for dinner."

Mason watches her rise from the chair and walks towards the door when she reaches for the doorknob she stps and turns back to Mason staring him down with a small smile and nod to him.

"thank you."

"no need for that Presley we are just doing the right thing. I would hope anyone whose decent would od it for me if I needed it one day."

"they wouldn't there aren't many good people left."

"we'll maybe we can change that..."

he winks at her and she places the handkerchief in her pocket as she stares him down he turns his head and asks.

"You alright"

"not yet but."

Presley tares into mason's blue eyes and feels her body grow warm as she speaks firmly.

"I think I will be."

She tenses feeling his hand rub her arm as he whispers to her and grips the doorknob.

"You will be."

she feels the breeze from behind her as the door opens and stands there feeling his hand on her arm but mason motions out.

"don't keep konnor waiting I'm sure he will worry."

"yeah" Presley stares at Mason's hand and he takes it away and motiosn to the open door.

"I'll see you at dinner."

she nos her head and walks out and eyes konnor leaning against the wall as he comments.

"that took forever did he make you stare at the grass?"

"what?" Presley asks sounding unsure and konnor rolls his eyes as he comments.

"Nothing, nevermind."

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