Bloody Fields (Flashback Part Four)

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Sam walks forward drenched in blood and stares up at the two men on the gate. one looks to the other and then nods down.

"you lived?"

"Just let me in." He stares up and the gates open and he steps inside staying silent as the front doors open and Konnor walks out staring him over as he asks.

"mason taught you about the trials."

"I was there when he created them." sam states blanky not giving konnor any further information but Konnor turns his head asking.

"at the beginning?"

"not important, time for trial 2 isn't it?"

"yeah the-"

"pit" sam states blankly and motions to the side of the house and nods to Konnor.

"lead me there."

Konnor leads him forward around the estate and to the large back of the estate. Sam stops eyeing the green grass and comments.

"always fucking green, isn't it?"

"so, what happened with you two?

Sam tugs at his collar keeping it close to his neck hiding the old scar as he stares over Konnor.

"that's between s I'm just here to prove myself, that's all"

"have you bee through it before? I heard he put some kids through it but I never saw it first hand-"

"no, he wouldn't let me-" sam stands still thinking about the trials and shakes his head trying not to remember the first time h went through it. he looks up at Konnor and stares down at the pool and hears Konnor from behind him.

"I assume you know how this works?"

when sam goes to turn around konnor punches him and he falls back into the empty bit. he breaths out and hears some cheers from above as he gets to his feet. he shakes his head and hears his brother's voice.

"hunger sets in and you get desperate"

he reaches down gripping the knife and eyes the walkers drop down in front of him and hears his brother whispers as he remembers what he taught him.

"if it's you or them who's it gonna be Sam?"

sam jams his knife into the walker's skull and whispers back a reply.

"always me!"

he kicks the walker and hears a sound behind him and grabs the walker in his hand stabbing it repeatedly with his knife digging it into the walker's skull till it stops moving. Konnor turns his head sideways and stares down watching as more walkers are dropped down. Sam counts to himself as he eyes them and grabs one pushing it to the wall screaming as he thinks of his brother and bashes the walker's skull into the wall. he looks don eyeing the blood soak the floor of the old poor and stares up at Konnor but feels a walker graze against him and again shoves it into a wall stabbing it once. he watches the walker falls and screams up.

"don't go easy on me!"

Konnor stares down at the kid and motions to some of his men and they drop more walkers. sam laughs to himself wiping the blood from his face as he stares them down and notices he is surrounded. he shakes his head hearing his brother's words ring in his head he lunges forward taking out a walker as another comes up he kicks it back slowly taking them out one at a time. he backs up into a corner drenched in blood but notices the walker just stands there. he looks down noticing his clothes are covered in walker blood and slowly brings down his knife. the walker stands there in front of him and Konnor looks down seeing the boy and what he does. Sam walks up to the walker standing still in front of it and doesn't move.  Konnor motiosn to his men who dropdown more walkers and again sam doesn't move as more walkers fill the pool. Sam remains calm not moving and keeps his knife at the side a the crowd looks down cheering and chanting Konnor hears the alarm go off and motions to the crowd and a few people raise gun shooting into the pool killing the walkers. sam steps over the bodies and climbs up. he moves slowly drenched in blood and Konnor looks him over going to speak as sam demands.

"take me to the third trial-"

"We usually have people rest a day or two-"

"no rest I'll rest when I am done-"

Konnor nods to him and motiosn to a few men

"we will send you to the trail in an hour then, just one hour-"

"I don't need an hour-"

"well, we do." Konnor nods to him and walks away back into the house.

Sam stands there but hears Dominick.

"that was, well frightening."

Sam shakes his head disagreeing as he looks over Dominick and comments.

"it was easy if you are prepared. this time I was-" 

"this time? you've been here before?"

"in another life, yeah." Sam nods his head thinking fo his family and Dominick asks sounding unsure.

"what do you mean another life?"

"it's in the past. I just want to move on Dominick and word of advice don't ask so many questions people don't like questions here."

sam leaves Dominick alone and walks into the house down a hall and up some stairs. he steps into the office and up to the window eyeing the green lawn and remains quiet. he stops hearing a voice and turns to Konnor who stare shim down.

"what are you doing here?"

"just looking"

sam remains quiet and Konnor steps up next to him taking glances over he boy as he asks.

"so your still not gonna share how you know so much. how are you connected to mason?"

"not your business Konnor"

"I am in charge here kid-"

"mason, he is in charge. he always will be-"

"mason may be dead-"

"he isn't. I can feel it. he's still alive somewhere."

"and what if he is,  kid?"

"then I'll eventually see him and he will see me--"

"and then what?"

sam shrugs his shoulders not answering and Konnro asks again.

"then what, kid?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see won't you Konnor?"

Sam smirks and Konnor glances him over recognizing the kid but unsure if he is right and shakes his head trying not to think about it. Konnor nods his head staring down the kid and motions as he asks.

"you ready?"

sam nods his head but before he can reply he feels hi body gives out and he falls forward passing out.

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