Bloody Fields (Flashback Final Part)

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Sam blinks hearing the alarm buzz loudly as his headache settles and he hears the loud groans f the walker around him. he sits there hearing a  voice yell out to him.


he sits there feeling his legs numb and his throat aches with pain as he hears a voice yell.

"hey dude, Jax! get up, man!"

he hears a scream and loud groan and turns his head feeling the paralysis wear off a bit as he eyes his friend struggling with a walker. his friend yells out to him using Sam's real name.


Jax moves his hand a bit getting the feel back and reaches to his side feel his harm grow heavier with each movement he grips a knife at his side. his friend struggles to push the walker back screaming.

"I need you, man!"

sam tosses his knife in the direction of his friend who goes for it and quickly turns back jamming his knife into the walker's neck getting sprayed with blood. sam's voice shakes as it slowly returns and he whispers out.


the boy pushes the knife up into the walker's neck as the walker still struggles on top of him and sam's voice returns as he yells.

"into his jaw and up!"

the other oby presses his hand deep into the walker's neck shoving the knife up and continues to stab into the walker collapses motionless on top of him. the boy lays there breathing heavily trying to catches his breath as his body calms. sam stretches out his leg letting the feeling return to it as more walkers make their way forward. sam motiosn forward ordering his friend around. 

"help me! we can't sit still too long. more will come they won't stop."

his friend pulls his hand out of the walker and looks for his knife as sam comments.

"forget the knife, not enough time. get over here!"

his friend pushes forward grabbing hold of sam and pulls him up as he helps sam forward and sam whispers.

"follow the sign to safety.."

 his friend limps with sam forward but stops feeling a pain in his arm and sam motions to him.

"what's wrong?"

his friend shakes his head helping him forward ignoring the pain and stops eyeing the sing pointing with an arrow. he looks to sam and Sam nods.

"I know what you are thinking."

"salvation is bullshit sam, we both grew up here."

his friend pulls him forward and sam asks.

"how'd you know it was me?"

this friend remains quit and pulls him forward as sam feels some of his feelings come back to him making it easier for him to walk. they stop getting lose to a ledge and some walkers move towards them. the other boy looks down taking his arm down from around sam and sam motions back

"you know how this goes, right?"

the other kid steps back closer to the edge and looks down as he comments.

"you know I'm afraid of heights right?"

"time to get over it, Robbie-"

sam motiosn off the ledge and Robbie feels the sting in his forearm as he knows what happened and shakes his head.

"I don't know-"

sam kicks him and he falls down deep into the water and pops his head up looking up as sam comes crashing down into the water too. Robbie sits there in the water and sam stares him down shaking his head as he comments.

"that help?"

"no, I think I shit myself fon the way down."

"wouldn't be the first time-"

they both start laughing and a boat comes up with two guys on it helping them up and out of the water. Robbie falls back feeling the sting in his arm and sam stares him down and asks.

"get hurt in the fall?"

Robbie shakes his head pulling his sleeve and sam turns his head eyeing the walker bite.

"I pushed the knife too far up, he clamped into my arm and there was no going back."

"then we take the arm-" sam motiosn to the guys in the boat and they stop getting onto land.

sam stans there and Robbie shakes his head.

"We don't know that will work-"

"It has and is worth trying, we can save you."

"can you?" rob runs his hand along his arm and one of the men comes forward with a small hand ax as sam motions down to his friend.

"trust me?"

Robbie looks to the ax and asks.

"what are you..."

before he can reply sam steps down n his arm and motions down Robbie.

"hope you're not left-handed-"

Sam slams down his ax cutting off his friend's lower arm and Robbie passes out from the pain as the other two men look on. a few men come out of the woods and konnor does as well motioning down to Robbie. 

"get him into a car and get that wound shut, now!"


Sam sits there eyeing his friend in bed and Robbie turns pale as he asks.

"how bad-" Robbie coughs out interrupting his own words feeling his body burn and Sam shakes his head as Robbie asks.

"We were too late huh?"

sam remains quiet and stares down his close friend as his friends laugh.

"Just our luck right? 

Robbie shrugs and asks.

"so what happened to you anyway? I didn't see you after we all left the estate when alpha attacked...."

Sam remains quiet and Robbie asks.

"you worried? I thought Reid's didn't have any friends..."

"that's mason I'm not Mason and i never want to be like Mason-"

Robbie lets out a small laugh.

"really? I thought he was everything right. ruthless asshole but he lives doesn't he? look at me volunteering for your trail and I got and fuck myself..."

"We don't know yet-"

"We do." Robbie nods to sam and asks him.

"what 's your plan when you see your brother, sam?"

"I don't know-"

"you gonna kill him? an eye for an eye, forgive him be the bigger man or-"

"I don't know-" Sam looks up to Robbie and Robbie turns his head staring down his friend.

"personally dude between us friends-" Robbie coughs out again feeling body grow weak but stare sup to sam.

"family is all you got left and you got a family, left man. mason is an asshole, yeah, but he survives. so why not survive with him?"

sam shakes his head and undoes his collar showing it off to Robbie who leans back.

"fucking hell." Robbies shrugs his shoulders and nods to his friend.

"or I guess you could kill him too."

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