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sam sits relaxing n the cell whistling to himself and hears his father's voice.

"Samuel;l?" he glanced up surprised and turns his head.

"dad?" he stays there still and his dad nods to him.

"I'm here to get you out." 

"out?" sam says sounding surprised and senator Reid nods his head.

"I had a long discussion with Pamela and we came to an agreement. Presley can stay here ad you can come home."

"home? I heard the estate is finally gone for good, not more rebuilding."

"I mean to the patriots, son." Sam glances up and contemplates what his dad said and keeps his mouth shut as he hears Presley.

"you should go you can be with your family."

Sam lets out a laugh as he goes back to staring at the floor and hears his father.

"I know that I made some mistakes-"

"Some?" Sam glances up laughing "Some mistakes, dad? Some mistakes are forgetting a birthday, forgetting to give a card, you killed our mother, and you killed innocent people. "

Sam says sounding angry and he looks back down as his father states.

"I'm here for you because you're my boy. you are still a child-"

"no, I haven't been for a long time since mason abandoned me in that field."

Sam says look to the floor gain thinking of his brother. he reaches to his neck scars and thinks to himself and hears his father speaks softly.

"you're my son." Senator Reid motions and the gate is unlocked as Presley stands and he motions to her.

"I'm sorry nothing I can do for you but sam. Pamela is willing to let you out and it is best you come with me-"

"go to hell." senator Reid stands there and motions back to Lukas demanding.

"drag him out."

"sir?" Lukas states soundings surprised as senator Reid eyes Lukas and states coldly.

"I won't let him stay here drag his ass out."

"I said no dad." sam states sounding firm and senator Reid turns his head.

"you don't have a choice your uncle will make his move, tonight."

"tonight?" Presley says sounding upset and whispers "he's coming here?"

"Viktor Reid doesn't mess around. My brother wants his revenge, he had no choice but to play nice but no more, the patriots take the commonwealth and it begins tonight."  

Senator Reid motions out of the cell door "now get your ass up Sam and get out."

Sam stands quickly and follows his father out Presley goes to walk and senator Reid shuts the cell door over as he nods to her.

"nothing personal Pamela agreed to let sam go but you,  you have to stay."

"stay?  they will kill everyone won't they?" Presley asks sounding upset and senator Reid shrugs his shoulders "you are a prisoner you got a far better chance than most." Senator Reid goes to turn and motions to the girl "don't seal about mason maybe you have a chance."

he walks away and Presley yells out the Lukas "Lukas!" he stops and glances back as senator Reid motions forward "don't get involved she betrayed my son. I won't stick my neck out for that."


The patriots stand on a hill staring down at the commonwealth and viktor smiles down as he speaks firmly.

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