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Sam stands in the woods eyeing the dog tags piled up and remains quiet. he keeps his back stiff and stands still as he hears the sounds of walkers in the woods nearby. he takes a deep breath and eyes the names on some of the tags and reads them over. his eyes stop on Lewis's and he bends down staring it over as he runs his hand along the surface of it and whispers.

"you too huh?"

he drops the tag back down into the pile and turns getting back on the dirt bike and takes off int he direction of the estate. he stops in front of the gates and they open allowing him to go into the estate. the gates close behind him and he sits there on the bike staring down his home. he pushes the bike forward to a group of other bikes and stares it over but sakes his head ignoring the old feelings he gets as he thinks of childhood memories. 

"your back-"

Sam turns eyeing the girl his age and he nods his head answering her but walks by her as he does.


She follows behind him and asks.

"so, you know a lot about this place?"

"you could say that-"

Sam stops watching a crowd of men in military attire walk in and eyes the gates shutting behind them. He stands there eying the tall man as steps in but he stops and turns his head eyeing Sam. the man shifts his feet and drags his eyes away from the teenager and continues walking.

"what do you think that's about?"

"nothing good..." sam nods his head to the girl and the girl asks.

"do you know what the den is?"

Sam ignores her and she comments to him.

"they say they want to send me there..."

"it's nice-" sam lies to her and glances her over as he lowers his voice and watches the men in military attire disappear into the estate.

"what's it like?"

"green, I'm sure..." he motions to her and she asks again. 

"I heard it's bad-"

"well I said it's not-" he glances her over and she asks him changing subjects.

"who is the man in military attire?"

"a Reid. " Sam says his old last name with disdain and motions to the girl.

"I got to go-"

"Can I come  with you?"

"No-" He glares to her and walks away from her leaving her in front of the estate as he walks into the building. he comes inside hearing some whispers and watches the man disappear upstairs in the direction of his father's old office.

He steps up the stairs and gets stopped in the hallway by a kid around his age.

"Jax, been looking for you man. so a group of us is thinking of taking a small vacation-"

Sam stands there eyeing his father's office door closed over and ignores the kid talking to him as the kid continues.

"to the den-"

Sam shifts his eyes staring the boy down as he nods.

"I hear there's a lot of fun to have over there, tons of girls not like here, girls never stay here long"

Sam shifts his eyes back to the door and comments.

"strong one's do-"

Sam motions off.

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