Twins Flashback Part Two (Alex and Sally)

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Sally sits on a hill overlooking the walkers roaming and hears Alex.

"I'm gonna go wash up will you be alright?"

"fine." She hears her brother walk away and stares down the walkers but stiffens feeling a presence behind her. She doesn't speak and hears the guy's voice.

"Hey, Sal..."

She glances at Chaz and asks.

"What are you doing here?"

He shrugs and looks out at the walkers and asks.

"Where's Alex?"

"Around..." She shifts her eyes and notices Alex isn't nearby and realizes he really did walk away and Chaz scoots closer letting his arm brush against hers.

"it's nice out seems like the winter cold is finally settling..."

"Where's Gary?" 

"my uncle?" Chaz glances around and comments.

"probably with my sister he sure likes her." 

Chaz nudges her and comments.

"but hell he likes you too doesn't he?"

Chaz stares her down and Sally asks him sounding worried.

"shouldn't we get back?"

Sally stares out at the walkers and Chaz comments.

"they keep growing every day. the fucking dead  are taking over aren't they?"

Sally sits there feeling Chaz's hand place on her leg and she stares it down as she asks.

"what do you want?"

Chaz remains quiet staring down the walkers and Sally asks.

"I said-"

"Yeah, I heard you, Sal."

He leans over kissing her neck and Sally shoves him away.

"are you serious?"

"what?" Chaz lets out a small chuckle and shrugs his shoulders.

"What else we gonna do out here?"

"not that." She goes to get up but Chaz drags her back and she plops into his lap as he whispers into her ear.

"why not?" she sits there staring out at the walkers and feels Chaz presses her down onto her back. She stares up and Chaz whispers.

"don't tell Gary"


Sally sits there her back agasnt a tree and stares forward in shock as she hears Alex

"so did he finally try and make his move?"

Alex stares over his sister and examines her as he lets a small laugh out.

"fuck, you let him? A guy like that?" Sally stares forward at Chaz across the way talking to Gary and Alex whispers.

"A guy like that won't last Sal. we kids had nicknames for guys like Chaz, walker bait, remember?

"shut up." Sally whispers to her brother and Alex presses his back against the tree staring down Chaz sizing him up.

"isn't he like 20 something? I was more worried about Gary but Charlie must be something terrible huh?"

Sally takes her eyes away from Chaz and looks to her brother.

"yeah, and you're sneaking off with his sister?"

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