Before Flashback Mason Final Part

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Mason lays there hearing some noise and lifts his head eyeing the gun pointed in his face.

"don't move" mason lays there eyeing the gun and up to the man covered in dirt and mud.

"We just want your stuff." mason takes a deep breath and the man motions forward as people start rummaging through mason and beck's packs as mason whispers.

"don't do this."

'if we have to we will kill the kid." mason lays there staring down the man not speaking and presses his hand to his back feeling his gun but lifts his eyes seeing back who shakes her head no. he grips his gun and the man walks back and away with his small group stealing their supplies.  mason rolls off the blanket and stares after the group leaving him there and hears beck.

"you did the right thing."

"I should've killed them, we have nothing now, beck."

"We have our lives."

she places her hand on his arm and smiles at him kindly.

"that's what matters."

"not for long if we don't have food, beck." mason motions to her and beck turns her head staring down the road thinking over what mason said.

the girl rolls over and eyes mason and beck standing in the road and she comments throwing a small bag forward.

"is that enough?" mason looks down into the bag full of food and the girl smiles up as she nods.

"I hid some." mason smiles down at the kid and nods to her.

"smart kid."

"you told me to." mason grins and motions to the kid.

"glad you listen kid."

mason rummages through the bag and tosses the kid a snack as he winks to the girl and grabs something for himself eating a small amount and motioning to beck.

"take the rest." she chews the food slowly enjoying the flavor and mason motions forward.

"not point sleeping. let's get moving." they walk down the long road and mason whistles to himself as the little girl asks.

"what's that song?"

"The Beatles. you know the Beatles"

"lie the bug?" mason lets ou a laugh.

"no like the band"

"what's a band?" mason rolls his eyes and beck motions back.

"they play music."

"oh, what type of music?"

"good music, kid." mason motions back with a smile and beck stares him down as she nods to him as mason continues leading them down the road. he stops eyeing the body as it is eaten by a walker and turns his head hearing the girl behind him

"a monster?"

"yeah, a monster." mason nods his head and takes out his gun and hears beck.

"maybe we should just go? a gunshot could draw more." he takes a deep breath and releases his hold on his gun as he motions forward.

"good idea." he slowly takes out the radio from his pocket and clicks it a few times hearing a voice reply.

"We hear you." mason stops and brings it to his lips asking.

"who is this?"

"I can ask you the same thing, who is this?" mason stops himself and clicks the radio a few times sending out morse code as the other person replies.

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