Home Part One

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Sam leans forward eating the food and everyone else stares him down in the cafeteria. He shifts hearing a voice but ignores it till the voice is right next to him.

"The car still didn't come." He shifts eyeing the girl sitting next to him but doesn't answer and keeps eating as the girl asks.

"So your name's Jaxon?"


He drops the fork and puts out his hand.

"just sam.."

"but people call you Jax."

"People I don't trust..." His eyes shift over the girl and he states.

"I think I can trust you." She smiles and sam motions to her as he states.

"That car is not coming..."

"they said I was going to a place called the den."

"you're not, not anymore-"

"did I do something wrong?"

"no, you just made the right friend." He looks her over as he leans into her and whispers.

"don't make me regret this friendship, okay?"

"so, you're the reason my family was able to stay?"

"the vote won, I just happen to be the deciding vote." He shrugs and takes his empty tray dropping it down loud on a table full of boys dressed in military attire. Sam stares them down and coldly states.

"whatever questions are buzzing around your heads, whatever you want to ask me, don't. it's not your business and it will never be your business." 

Sam walks away leaving the boys at the table and steps outside but stops hearing screams.

"walkers..." he hears the shooting of the guns and stands there eyeing everyone running around as someone yells.

"They are everywhere!"

"what do we do!" someone yells out and sam stands there hearing the screams.

"more to the north!" 

"We are surrounded!"

He flinches feeling a hand on his shoulder and hears Konnor.

"time to go."


"anywhere but here, get to the cars."

 loud explosion sounds and sam stops as Konnor ells.

"keep moving that's our doing! Go, now!"

a loud bang occurs and an explosion inside the state goes off as Konnro whispers. 

"that's not us..."

"no shit." Sam comments and konnor grabs sam with him to the car hearing Beck.

"We just gonna leave?"

"can't fight a horde!" konnor yells back to her turning the key and hearing the car tart as he turns back

Konnor punches the gas watching a car in front of him ram through a gate and e follows behind it as Sam asks.

"where are we going?"

"either the den or TSH anywhere but here..."

Konnor jams on the break as the car in front of him comes to a halt and he turns his head beeping his horn yelling.

"move it!" the car in front of him doors open and he turns his head whispering.

"Who are they?" Sam eyes the men in red armor and quickly locks his doors as he whispers.

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